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5 Shifts to Return to Jesus-Style Disciple Making
We all want to make disciples, but we’ve got a problem.
Barna, a leading Christian research organization, found only 17% of professing Christians know what the Great Commission is. Exponential and Discipleship.org found less than 5% of churches in North America are making disciples who are personally making disciples. We lack awareness and effectiveness in disciple making.
Our problem is we aren’t making disciples who make disciples.
If you’re anything like me, you have probably had moments in disciple making when you felt stuck, hopeless, or not good enough.
Whom do we turn to for help?
Our Guide
Do we turn to the church with the most attenders? The most charismatic young pastor? The church with the most sound doctrine? The monk who has sat in silence the longest?
I believe if we want to learn to make disciples then we should turn to the Master Disciple Maker, Jesus. Jesus knows what it’s like to both struggle and succeed in disciple making.
Jesus must be our Guide.
What is the Master Disciple Maker’s plan for us?
Our Plan
Here’s our plan: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20)
We must return to Jesus-style disciple making.
How do we practically return to Jesus-style disciple making?
An Overview of the 5 Shifts
There are three questions we’re going to ask Jesus. The first question is about our identity. The second question is about our lifestyle. The third question is about our vision.
If we want to return to Jesus style disciple making, it will require restoring the identity, lifestyle, and vision that Jesus taught His followers.
The first question is, “Jesus, who are we?”
Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.”
We are disciple makers. If we want to return to Jesus style disciple making, then we must shift from being church members to being disciple makers.
…Shift 1: From being church members to being disciple makers.
The second question is, “Jesus, how do we live?”
Jesus said, “Therefore go.”
We go. If we want to return to Jesus style disciple making, then we must shift from going to church to going to the lost.
…Shift 2: From going to church to going to the lost.
“Jesus, how do we live?” Jesus said, “Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
We baptize. If we want to return to Jesus-style disciple making, then we must shift from professionals reaching the lost to everyone reaching the lost.
…Shift 3: From professionals reaching the lost to everyone reaching the lost.
“Jesus, how do we live?” Jesus said, “And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
We teach. If we want to return to Jesus-style disciple making, then we must shift from teaching information to teaching obedience.
…Shift 4: From teaching information to teaching obedience.
The third question is, “Jesus, what is our end goal?”
Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.”
The end goal is all nations (people groups) discipled. If we want to return to Jesus-style disciple making then we must shift from many competing goals to a singular end goal.
…Shift 5: From many competing goals to a singular end goal.
In future articles, we will explore these five shifts in greater detail.