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How Can Churches Cultivate a Disciple Making Culture? Q&A with Brandon Guindon Jesus’ mission for the church is to make disciples who make disciples. But we can’t become a disciple making church just preaching about it or by just going through a small group curriculum on it. Rather, disciple making somehow needs… Photo of Brandon GuindonPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Can Churches Have Friendly Dialogue with the LGBTQ Community? Is friendly dialogue over an open Bible a live option–or have the culture wars killed this possibility? If dialogue is possible, then how? Photo of Guy HammondPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Can Your Church Thrive in Exile? A Conversation with Randy Gariss Randy Gariss was minister of Joplin’s College Heights Christian Church when a mile-wide F5 tornado mowed into Joplin. Randy calls the tornado the “worst thing I’ve ever gone through.” Yet, as you will hear in the interview, Randy has seen… Photo of Randy GarissPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Tornados and Grace In 2011, another tornado mowed into Joplin, MO, where Randy Gariss ministered at College Heights Christian Church. As a mile-wide F5 tornado, there were 161 fatalities and 7,000 homes destroyed. Gariss grieved with his beloved city in their unspeakable tragedy.… Photo of Randy GarissRandy Gariss
Are You Creating Consumers or Disciples? Interview with Kelvin Teamer We were never called to create consumers of church, but rather to make disciples of Jesus. What are some indicators that your church has become consumeristic? How does a church go from coddling its members to unleashing disciples? And what… Photo of Kelvin TeamerPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Gen Z and Mental Health – Interview with Gary Zustiak How can the church effectively reach and disciple Gen Z? Why are mental health issues on the rise? And, if you’re not a trained counselor, is it possible to truly help kids in crisis? These are the kinds of questions… Photo of Gary ZustiakPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Ministry, Family, and Sustainability – Interview with Anthony Walker Because ministry can be draining, it’s not uncommon for people to be a few years in church ministry only to say, “This isn’t worth it.” But ministry is worth it. And that’s why a minister’s health and wholeness are so… Photo of Anthony WalkerPhoto of Daniel McCoy
125 Countries and 1 Core Mission – Interview with Douglas Jacoby If you had the opportunity to sit down and talk with a world traveling disciple maker, what questions would you ask? As for me, I was curious about what lessons Douglas has gleaned for the American church from his time… Photo of Douglas JacobyPhoto of Daniel McCoy
A Bible-Believing Person of Science? – Interview with Richard Knopp Is it possible to be a Bible-believing Christian and a believer in modern science at the same time? Listen to Dr. Richard Knopp of RoomforDoubt.com talk about the relationship between faith and science. Photo of Richard KnoppPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Leading in Confusing Times – Interview with Matt Proctor Leadership has gotten more complicated since our “line leader” days. Especially if you’re leading a Christian college in culturally confusing times. It takes a lot of convictional leadership and personal integrity to lead a college which manages to stay both… Photo of Matt ProctorPhoto of Daniel McCoy
If I Had One Sermon to Preach to the American Church Jon has preached hundreds of sermons, but I (Daniel) asked him, if he got one chance to preach one sermon to the American church at large, what would it be? Here’s his answer… Photo of Jon SherwoodJon Sherwood
Overcoming Staleness in Bible Reading We become disappointed with ourselves when our Bible reading becomes stale, and what was once a solid habit gets eclipsed by distractions. Is there a way to find joy and motivation once again in reading God’s Word? Join Daniel McCoy… Photo of Jon SherwoodPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Church and Culture: An Interview with Christian Ray Flores What culture does the Church belong to? Should we see ourselves as more of a subculture, or more as a wing of the dominant culture? Or is there still a better way to see ourselves? Rock-star-turned-pastor Christian Ray Flores invites… Photo of Christian Ray FloresPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Bridging the Gap with the Gay Community: Interview with Guy Hammond Guy Hammond is a Christian who is same sex attracted. He once lived actively in the gay community. However, 32 years ago, he left it behind for good to follow Jesus. Today, Guy heads an organization called Strength in Weakness… Photo of Guy HammondPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Being Picked First for Basketball and What It Taught Me about God We must be pretty amazing that God wanted us on His team! Wait a second… Photo of Joel SingletonJoel Singleton
Humans 2.0 – A Serious Conversation About Science and Humanity Man melding with machine. Anti-aging technology. Brain-computer interface. Gene-edited “designer” babies. Some scientific advances go beyond helping humanity overcome obstacles. They actually begin to help humanity overcome, well . . . humanity! Hence, a new term has entered our cultural… Photo of Daniel McCoyDaniel McCoy
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