Image for Grand Metanarrative: God’s Story as an Invitation to Theology

Grand Metanarrative: God’s Story as an Invitation to Theology

Photo of Tony TwistTony Twist | Bio

Tony Twist

Tony grew up in Dallas, Texas and Alice Springs, N.T., Australia. His formal education included Milligan College, Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Southern Baptist Seminary, and Indiana University. Following graduation from Milligan he married Suzanne Grogan from Spencer, Virginia. He and Suzanne served churches in Virginia, Tennessee and Indiana with a primary focus on disciple making. His passions are disciple making, spending time with Suzanne, working out and making new friends around the world. He currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer for the TCM International Institute, a global graduate school for disciple makers based in Indianapolis, Indiana and Heiligenkreuz, Austria.
Photo of Mihai MalanceaMihai Malancea | Bio

Mihai Malancea

Mihai (DTh, University of Bucharest) grew up in the USSR and now lives in Moldova. He has served churches in Moldova and in post-Soviet countries in Central Asia. He serves as President of DGU (Divitia Gratiae University) in Moldova and teaches for TCM International Institute.
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All of us think about God and draw conclusions about him. In other words, we all do theology. So how do we do theology well? We do theology well by starting with how God has revealed himself. And God has revealed himself in a “grand metanarrative.” Let Tony Twist and Mihai Malancea guide you step by step through this grand story God has given you and into which he invites you. When you place yourself within God’s metanarrative, you will know who God is, where you come from, who you are, and where you are going. And that’s the perfect place to begin doing theology.

Tony Twist and Mihai Malancea explain in simple terms the entire plot of the Bible. With this you can do the work God called you to: making disciples.

— Dr. Mark E. Moore, author of Core 52

Tony and Mihai bring this timeless story to ground level to help us find help for today and hope for tomorrow.

— Dr. Gary L. Johnson, Executive Director,
e2: Effective Elders

Tony Twist and Mihai Malancea have brought the study of theology into everyday language.

— David Empson, Executive Director, International Conference on Missions