RelationShift: Five Shifts for Disciple Makers to Live and Lead from Relationship
Many church leaders hear of the power of relational disciple making to transform churches, and they want in. The problem is they’re programmed to see everything as—well, a program. In the hurry to implement disciple making programs, many leave behind relationships.
Jim Putman, in this follow-up to his book DiscipleShift: Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples (coauthored with Bobby Harrington [Zondervan, 2013]), walks through five shifts that help you cultivate real relationships with real people. Whereas DiscipleShift charted a path to becoming a disciple making church, RelationShift maps out how to become a true friend to those you disciple. The result is relationships that fuel disciple making—and refuel you.
“The result is relationships that fuel disciple making—and refuel you.”
Jim Putman has helped thousands of church leaders rediscover disciple making methodologies. Yet he’s burdened by seeing many church leaders hurry to implement programs, bypass relationships, and wind up lonely and burnt out. Putman has been a wrestler most of his life, and RelationShift is Putman taking to the mat the forces that deplete and discourage so many church leaders.
“If I could recommend one book to pastors and other church leaders, RelationShift would be the book.”
— Sean McDowell, Ph.D., professor of apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, author of So the Next Generation Will Know
“Since disciple making churches start with disciple making pastors, this is a book I highly recommend.”
— Larry Osborne, pastor and author, North Coast Church
“This book is a must read by all pastors who are dedicated to growing a church.”
— Douglas J. Crozier, President and Chief Executive Officer,
The Solomon Foundation