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Image for Free Webinar: Leading Bible Studies in a Virtual World – Introducing DBS Online
Thursday, March 26th
9:00 am CT
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Bobby Harrington

Bobby is point leader for Renew.org and Discipleship.org. These two organizations network thousands of church leaders through a focus on Jesus-style disciple making.

Shodankeh Johnson

As one of the world’s leading experts in disciple making movements, Shodankeh has used Discovery Bible Studies as a simple, effective, and reproducible model to transform hundreds of thousands of lives.

John King

John King is a lead trainer with Final Command Ministries and is the author of the Discovery Bible Study questions most often used in North America.

John Magnuson

John is the leader of the New Day Network, and oversees 500 people using Discovery Bible Study, making it the largest number of people using DBS in any church in the US.

About Renew.org
We are disciples of Jesus from various ethnicities, generations, nations, and communities and we champion all of Jesus’ teachings for disciple-making and disciple making movements.