Resources by Anthony Walker:
Anthony Walker
Anthony Walker has been preaching the gospel for 20 years. He has been actively involved in the church as a song leader, youth worker, preacher, and any other role God calls him. He attended Lipscomb University in pursuit of an Art Education Degree. For 12 years, he has been the full-time minister of the Highway 231 Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, TN. He and his wife Jenny are the proud parents of 2 young children: a son, Remington, and a daughter, Reign.
God’s Plan Is For EVERYBODY
Anthony Walker, preaching minister of Hwy 231 Church of Christ, describes the implications of the Day of Pentecost for churches today.
Anthony Walker
Scripture in Black and White Podcast
LISTEN NOW How did we get the Bible? Can we trust the Bible? What are the Bible’s essentials? How do we follow its hard teachings? In this podcast hosted by, Bobby Harrington and Anthony Walker discuss these and additional important topics in theology weekly. They dive into Scripture and describe how oftentimes it is...
Formula for Growing Up Baby Christians
Do you have any Christians in your church who should be way past the baby stage, but they’re not? Unfortunately, this article is not mainly about them. The question here is, have you ever found yourself acting immaturely, like a spiritual infant, when you should know better? When you take an introspective look, do you recall times when...
Anthony Walker
Racial Tension and the Church – Louisville Regional Gathering
At the Louisville Regional Gathering in 2022, five church leaders sat down together to discuss current cultural topics churches face. They were’s point leader Bobby Harrington; Anthony Walker of Hwy 231 Church of Christ; Nate Ross of Northside…
Racism, Mass Shootings, and Our Enemy’s Strategies
If we want to truly understand racism and mass shootings, we will think through our enemy’s strategies. The same Devil who blinds a murderous person from seeing another person’s humanity blinds people after a tragedy from seeing the real enemy. In John 9, John gives an account of Jesus healing a blind man. His blindness...
Anthony Walker
5 Reasons Jesus Teaches Us to Choose Life
There are lots of opinions, philosophies, and beliefs surrounding the topic of abortion. As Christian ministers, we believe it is best to trust Jesus over human wisdom. By his teaching throughout Scripture, Jesus teaches us to choose life. Whether you support abortion or the life of the pre-born, there is an urgency in getting the...
Invitation to Discipleship: My Story of Being Discipled and Becoming a Discipler
In this invitation to discipleship, Anthony Walker describes how he was discipled to become a discipler. Several times I’ve been asked to speak on varying topics from the epistles Paul wrote to Timothy. Almost every time, my mind goes back to how I relate to Timothy. Recently I was asked to speak from 2 Timothy...
Anthony Walker
Confronting Racism in the Church: Part 2 of a Conversation with Anthony Walker
*Editors’ Note: With some of the horrific recent stories of infuriating injustice done toward African Americans (e.g., Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd), I wanted to reach out to my friend Anthony Walker, an African American minister at a church in Murfreesboro, TN. We should all be feeling grief over these losses, and we need to hear...
Racism Cuts Deep: Part 1 of a Conversation with Anthony Walker
*Editors’ Note: With some of the horrific recent stories of infuriating injustice done toward African Americans (e.g., Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd), I wanted to reach out to my friend Anthony Walker, an African American minister at a church in Murfreesboro, TN. We should all be feeling grief over these losses, and we need to hear...
The Things You Can’t Control
So I’m sitting on a plane with a group of minister friends and my wife. A few minutes before the plane takes off, my wife and I pray. We pray for the trip ahead, but we pray especially for the safety of the flight. The engines begin to roar and the plane begins its taxi...
Anthony Walker
The Bible Number That Keeps Confronting Us
Elementary truths can be quite profound. Take this one for example: you cannot go both east and west at the same time. And yet we try. It’s common to want the effects of following God’s commands along with the excitement of following our own impulses. But both ways can’t work, as Moses pointed out: “See,...
Anthony Walker