Resources by Christina Charley:
Christina Charley
My name is Christina Charley, I am a lover and follower of Jesus Christ. I am married to my best friend Damien, and a mother of 4 wonderful children; Mikah 16, Jordan 13, Jonathan 12, and Nate 6. I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years.
I am passionate about helping women (and some awesome men) to live healthy, whole, and fit lives while experiencing the true freedom, love and joy that we were born to experience! I aim to steer health seekers away from obsession and guilt, and point them to a lifestyle of fitness that releases them to freedom. I believe true health exists when we seek health from the inside out. I guide my clients on their path to heal life and health imbalances naturally through my "Love Yourself Transformation," and through one-on-one and group health coaching. I focus on my clients learning to make intentional choices for themselves through God nutrition, exercise, mindset training, and self-love. I give my clients the tools they need to become the best version of themselves.
6 Lies That Sink Marriages
At, we want to encourage faithful, healthy marriages. Decaying marriages can often be directly traced back to a lie that someone believed to be true. Here are six common lies which—if you find yourself buying into them—can sink your marriage. #1 – The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. This...
7 Rules Healthy Couples Set for Themselves
We at want to encourage faithful, healthy marriages. We have found that one of the ways couples can be healthier is by setting some rules for the marriage. Here are seven rules we have found especially helpful in our marriage and in others’ as well. #1 – Be connected with other couples. In our...
6 Hidden Signs of an Unhealthy Marriage
At, we want to encourage faithful, healthy marriages. Although there are signs of marital unhealth which are more obvious than these six, these are six signs which should definitely be taken seriously. If any of these describe your marriage, we encourage you take time to put some serious thought and care into your marriage....
3 Healthy Ways to Handle Ministry Pressure
Serving in ministry full-time, part-time, or even as a volunteer can be a daunting task. Constantly developing sermon series, teaching materials, leading or participating in staff meetings, board meetings, small group meetings (well, you get the idea). Not to mention dealing with numerous issues within the church. The litany of problems laid at your feet...
Training for More
We are quickly approaching that time of year when we can get inundated with trying to do more: more parties, more gift giving, more commitments, and oftentimes more overwhelmed! It’s easy in all of this to let the importance of caring for our body and soul take the back seat to our other priorities. We...
Christina Charley