Resources by Gavin Andrews:
Gavin Andrews
Gavin Andrews lives in Winston-Salem, NC with his wonderful wife Jenna. An alumnus of Wake Forest University (MSA) and UNC Wilmington (BSBA), he works as a financial analyst, but would much rather talk about baseball, theology, or the book he’s currently reading. You can catch him either thinking deep thoughts or running through the woods, trying to escape from these thoughts. More of his writing resides at
What Is Holiness And Why Is It Such A Big Deal?
What is holiness, and why is it such a big deal? God’s holiness means that he is entirely unique, pure, and powerful, and to enter into his presence in a state less than holiness would result in death. God gave Israel the law so that we would know his holiness and our unholiness, but the...
Gavin Andrews
How Is a Relationship with God Possible?
How is a relationship with God possible? Through the person and work of Jesus Christ, God has extended his hand in covenant relationship with us, fulfilling the promise that he made to Abraham of blessing all nations through him. By his grace through our faith, we can have right relationship with God and become a...
Gavin Andrews
Why Is the World So Messed Up?
Why is the world so messed up? The world is broken because the first humans—and every human since—rebelled against their Maker. By seizing autonomy from God, we have upset the intended order of things and brought evil into the world and death upon ourselves. But in this broken world, we are given a great and...
Gavin Andrews
Who Am I? An Exploration of Our Identity as Human Beings
Who am I? Our identity is that we are image bearers of the God who created us. This means that to be human means to be relational, to uniquely reflect God’s attributes, and to rule over creation as representatives of God. The 20s/30s ministry at my church is going through Mark Moore’s Core52 for the...
Gavin Andrews
Why Are We Here? An Exploration of Why Humans Exist
Why are we here? In short, we are here because an eternal God created us, so that we might be in union with him, and spread his glory. The 20s/30s ministry at my church is going through Mark Moore’s book Core 52 for the next year, in an effort to increase biblical literacy. To assist...
Gavin Andrews