Resources by John Caldwell:
John Caldwell
Dr. John Caldwell served Kingsway Christian Church of Avon, Indiana, as senior pastor for 36 years, retiring in 2010. During those years, KCC progressed from a small, infant congregation to a thriving megachurch. John has authored five books, has written dozens of published articles, and served as president of both North American Christian Convention and the International Conference on Missions. He has traveled in over 100 countries and ministered alongside missionaries in more than 25. John has been married to Jan since 1965, and they are parents to Shan and Jennifer. John presently leads John Caldwell Ministries, preaching, teaching, and holding seminars, with an emphasis on ministry on the mission field.
Church Leaders Need Friends
It shouldn’t be a surprise that church leaders need solid friendships. But how? What does it look like? For help on this, I reached out to some trusted church leaders who have cultivated solid friendships. It looks like…Levels. John Caldwell There are several levels of healthy relationships. For instance, I have many acquaintances, men whom...
4 Reasons to Pray that Go Beyond My Physical Needs
We usually think of prayer as asking things of God or at least talking to Him, thanking Him and praising Him. However, let me suggest that prayer is first of all listening to God. In prayer God has our attention. We don’t have to ask for His attention; we already have it. Ours is not...
John Caldwell
Q: What Are Men Really Hungry For? (Part 2)
*Editor’s Note: What are some things that men deeply hunger for, which can be met through discipling relationships with other men? We asked a panel of men who have discipled other men before, and below is Part 2 of their answers. For Part 1, click here. A: Men Need to Experience Conversion By John Caldwell...
Our Problem with Prayer
We can understand everything there is to be understood about the purpose of prayer, but it is only as we practice prayer that those purposes are fulfilled. And when it comes to the practice of prayer, no one set a better example for us than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In Mark the first chapter,...
John Caldwell