Resources by Jon Kehrer:
Jon Kehrer
Jon Kehrer teaches Old Testament and Biblical Languages at Ozark Christian College. He and his wife April live with their five children in Joplin, Missouri.
Jesus Was the Messiah. So, What’s a “Messiah”? Q&A with Jon Kehrer
Around Christmas, we often hear how Jesus was the Messiah, a long-awaited figure who would arrive and rescue people from their sins. But what does the word “messiah” mean? The word means “anointed one,” and based on their study of Scripture, the Jewish people were expecting an “anointed one” to arrive and conquer their enemies....
Jon Kehrer
Monotheism: Definition, Biblical Usage, and Meaning for Our Life
What is monotheism? Monotheism is the belief that only one God exists. While the New Testament church takes monotheism for granted, ancient Israel in the Old Testament shifted back and forth between monotheism and polytheism. It was a struggle for ancient Israel to maintain its monotheistic convictions surrounded by polytheistic nations, just as it can...
Jon Kehrer
Your Shepherd’s Plan
How does the Lord’s shepherding effect you? Today, where you are? Enjoy another Features from Ozark Christian College.
Jon Kehrer
The Bible tells us words can be dangerous, encouraging, powerful and life changing. Do you know which words will last forever? Please enjoy another Features from Ozark Christian College.
Jon Kehrer
Rise Up
God is calling us to “rise up”. Watch and learn more about this biblical action. Please enjoy another Features from Ozark Christian College.
Jon Kehrer