Resources by Kelvin Jones:
Kelvin Jones
Kelvin Jones is a follower of Jesus. He and Nancy live in Nebraska, to be close to most of their eight children and nine grandchildren. Kelvin works as a fuel transport driver and serves as one of the preaching pastors for a small but friendly church. He enjoys reading, writing, and outdoor activities.
How Do You Know? 10 Bible Verses on Knowledge
“Well, of course you can speak your truth. Anyone can, and we all should. But no one can speak the truth, because no one has the truth.” It was a good summary of where our culture is at on the question of truth, and for a few moments the campus minister was silent. Then, a...
Kelvin Jones
Holiness is Beautiful?
“Give to the LORD the glory due His name . . . . Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!” (Psalm 96:8-9, NKJV). But what makes holiness beautiful? To answer that question, we need to first answer the question, what is beauty? We can readily give examples of beautiful things, such as mountain...
Kelvin Jones