Resources by Maria Roth:
Maria Roth
Maria Roth voluntarily directs the 4th and 5th grade preteen ministry at Harvester Christian Church in Saint Charles, Missouri. Her heart for the next generation leads her to church camp in the Summer, SuperStart in the Fall, and on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. you’ll find her rapping nursery rhymes, playing charades with feet only, and leading a fan-favorite “Nibblety-Bibble” (think "Simon Says," only faster and more difficult.) Maria has been serving for 12 years alongside her children’s minister husband, Joseph, and loves on her not-yet-preteen kids, Elodie and Titus.
Letter to a Volunteer in Preteen Ministry
To the person interested in helping out in preteen ministry, Preteen ministry is a blast. And the preteen years have incredible potential for spiritual growth. If you are interested in helping with this age group, then as a preteen minister, I would like to share some of what I’ve learned. I was talking recently with...
Maria Roth