Resources by Rahel bint Younas:
Rahel bint Younas
Rahel bint Younas was born and raised in Pakistan, which is a 96% Muslim country with less than 2% Christians. She has five members in her family--parents and three siblings--and all are following our Lord. Altogether, she is a fourth-generation Christian. Pakistan is one of the most persecuted countries in the world for Christians, where persecution is present in the forms of blasphemy laws, church bombings, forced conversions, forced marriages, and mob attacks. Her life in Pakistan as a Christian woman has been very challenging, which has made her passionate to work in the future with women and children in countries like Pakistan. She has a Bachelor's in Economics from Pakistan and a Bachelor's in Christian Leadership from Boise Bible College. She is working on her Master’s in Apologetics and Philosophy.
What Is a Eunuch in the Bible?
What is a eunuch in the Bible? Under the Old Testament law, eunuchs were banned from the priesthood and from God’s assembly due to their castration. Yet, we see men in the Bible fitting the description of a eunuch, many whom are depicted favorably and even a unique object of God’s promises. What does the...
Rahel bint Younas
God Is My Strength: Reflections on God’s Faithfulness During a Dark Time
“The Lord God is my strength, And He has made my feet like deer’s feet, And has me walk on my high places.” (Hab. 3:19, NASB) How was your high school experience? I did not enjoy mine at all. I was bullied over my skin color and disparaged by my teachers for not being as smart as...
Rahel bint Younas
Demons in the Bible & in Our World
What are demons in the Bible? They are fallen angels who serve the devil in alluring people to destructive behaviors, false teaching, and separation from God. What can we learn from demons in the Bible to help us navigate our own struggles today? Christians believe that demons as described in the Bible were not mythical...
Rahel bint Younas
3 Steps to Passing Along the Faith: Repeat (Part 3)
Here is Part 1 (“Hear”) and Part 2 (“Obey”). The Shema, recorded in Deuteronomy, was originally spoken to the Israelites on their way into the Promised Land. This section of Scripture was so important that the first part of it became a daily prayer for Israelites. Moreover, it was from the Shema that Jesus quoted...
Rahel bint Younas
3 Steps to Passing Along the Faith: Do (Part 2)
How do we pass along the faith to the next generation? The Shema, a famous section from the book of Deuteronomy, gives us a threefold pattern of passing the faith onto the next generation, which can be put like this: Hear Do Repeat Right after reminding Israel of God’s uniqueness (“Hear O Israel…the Lord is...
Rahel bint Younas
3 Steps to Passing Along the Faith: Hear (Part 1)
For some Christians, “discipleship” might seem like a trendy concept, but we see the practice of discipling people in the faith of God all the way back when Moses gave them the law in Deuteronomy: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart...
Rahel bint Younas