Faithful Faith Sermon Tools
Would you like your church to know more about biblical faith—as opposed to the watered down faith of many forms of Christianity? What is faith? Why is faith the right response to God’s grace? What is faith without works?
To help churches engage with Mark Moore’s Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Fiath from Culture and Tradition, we have put together sermon outlines (both PDF & Word doc) and bumpers (all available at the download link), as well as additional resources (see below). The books themselves are equipped with discussion questions ideal for use in small groups and discipling relationships. We hope you and your church find these tools helpful!
Additional resources:
- Buy the book. To purchase 20 or more and get a bulk discount, contact [email protected].
- VIDEO: Intro to Faithful Faith
- VIDEO: What is faith?
- VIDEO: Why is faith a necessary response to grace?
- VIDEO: How does Jesus call us to both salvation and discipleship?
- VIDEO: What is faith without works?
- VIDEO: How does faith respond to the enthronement of King Jesus?
- Download Starting a Discipleship Group: A Leader’s Guide for Using the Real Life Theology Books