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A New Kind of Event for Making Connections

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Drew Moore is the lead pastor of Canyon Ridge Christian Church (Las Vegas) and Megan Rawlings is the founder and leader of The Bold Movement. They are joining together to help lead a special night at the start of the Renew National Gathering, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, at East 91st Street Christian Church in Indianapolis. The Gathering will continue on Wednesday at Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis.

The evening event is an opportunity to carve out space for crucial conversations—conversations, not lectures—about issues the North American Church is facing. We will be taking the conversations church leaders typically have over coffee and bring them to the forefront. Again, this Tuesday night Part 1 of the Gathering will take place before the teaching-prayer-discussion Part 2 of the Gathering at Traders Point Christian Church from 9:00 AM to 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday.

What kind of event will Drew and Megan host on Tuesday night?

Well, let’s contrast what will not happen versus what will happen.

  • You will not be listening to lectures because everyone will be interacting with people personally.
  • We will not have lead speakers because everyone will be speaking to each other.
  • We will not have passive listeners because everyone will be speaking and listening.
  • We will not gather around topics based upon our positions in church leadership because we will all gather around the topics we think are important to us personally.
  • We will not be watching people on stage because we will be connecting with interesting people around vital conversations that matter to each one of us.

Sound like a crazy experience?

We hope not.

Renew Network is based upon renewing the teachings of Jesus—making that which is ancient fresh and engaging today. We want young leaders and everyday Christians to join in the kind of event they prefer. So, we are intentionally creating an event based upon their desires and needs. We believe that people of all generations will highly value it.

Outline of Tuesday Night

Here is an outline of the event on Tuesday evening, April 25, at East 91st Christian Church, Indianapolis:

6:30–7:00 – Drew Moore and Megan Rawlings highlight the importance of facing head-on the challenges to evangelical Christians in general and Christians in the Restoration Movement Tribe in particular—and how Jesus-style disciple making is the answer.

7:00-8:50 –Twelve Breakout Conversations (each hosted by a Leader):

  1. Disciple Making Movement Principles for Your Church – Paul Huyghebaert
  2. Gender Identity & the LGBTQ Conversation – Guy Hammond
  3. Marriage and Family Issues – Grace Marriage
  4. The Crisis in Family Discipleship – Jason Houser and Jay Austin
  5. Micro-Group Disciple Making Groups – Michelle Eagle
  6. How Complementarians Promote Women in Leadership – Renée Sproles
  7. Discipling Women – Tina Wilson
  8. Being an Effective Elder and Making Disciples – David Roadcup
  9. Senior Minister/Pastor Issues – Jim Putman
  10. Mental and Emotional Health Issues – Jeff Metzger
  11. Racism/White Supremacy – Anthony Walker
  12. Artificial Intelligence and the Future – Daniel McCoy

This time will include one-on-one discussions, group discussions, fishbowl reflections, and large group summaries.

8:50–9:00 – Closing Exhortations by Drew and Megan

9:00–9:30 – Reflections, Praise and Worship, and Prayer

We look forward to connecting with you in this Part 1 to the 2023 Renew National Gathering in Indianapolis!