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Step into Scripture: A Daily Journey to Understanding Your Bible A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING, LOVING, AND BEING TRANSFORMED BY SCRIPTURE Perhaps you’ve wanted to read and understand the Bible, but it’s intimidating. Is it really possible for a regular person to understand such a massive, ancient book? And even if… Photo of Tina WilsonTina Wilson
TEOLOGÍA DE LA VIDA REAL: COMBUSTIBLE PARA EL DISCIPULADO FIEL Y EFECTIVO (Real Life Theology) (Spanish Edition) RESPUESTAS DE LA VIDA REAL A LAS PREGUNTAS MÁS IMPORTANTES DE LA VIDA. Teología de la vida real te invita a una nueva forma de vivir tendiendo un puente entre dos áreas de tu vida: lo que sabemos sobre Dios y… Photo of Bobby HarringtonPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Resilient: Standing Firm in a Hostile World THE GUIDEBOOK WE NEED FOR TIMES WE NEVER ASKED FOR Are you a Christian resolved to following the teachings of Jesus regardless of cultural pressure? This book is written for you and the millions of Christians in North America who… Photo of David YoungDavid Young
Male & Female: A Biblical Look at Gender A THOUGHTFUL PURSUIT OF ANSWERS TO THE TOUGHEST GENDER QUESTIONS Male and Female is for those with curiosity about what it means to be male and female today—and with courage to follow where the evidence leads. Make no mistake about it:… Photo of Renée SprolesRenée Sproles
Real Life Theology Conversations: A Guide to Essential Questions and Answers for Family Discipleship A GUIDE TO LIFE-CHANGING CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR CHILD (IN FULL COLOR) What could be more important than helping your child know God? Most Christian parents want to help their children to know God. They want to help them build their lives on God’s truth. Yet… Photo of Jason HouserPhoto of Nicole StinePhoto of Daniel McCoy
RelationShift: Five Shifts for Disciple Makers to Live and Lead from Relationship A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO RELATIONSHIPS THAT FUEL DISCIPLE MAKING Many church leaders hear of the power of relational disciple making to transform churches, and they want in. The problem is they’re programmed to see everything as—well, a program. In the hurry… Photo of Jim PutmanJim Putman
Real Life Theology Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Life on What’s True A SOUL-SEARCHING, GOD-CENTERED TRAINING IN WHAT’S TRUE Knowing a few Bible stories and having a few inspiring spiritual experiences won’t sustain your faith journey through an unpredictable life. Such a journey calls for serious training. This handbook takes Renew.org’s Real Life Theology series… Photo of Daniel McCoyPhoto of Andrew Jit
Real Life Theology: Fuel for Effective and Faithful Disciple Making REAL-LIFE ANSWERS TO LIFE’S BIGGEST QUESTIONS Real Life Theology invites you to a fresh way of living by bridging two areas of your life: what we know about God and how we live our lives. This collection of thirteen accessible books… Photo of Bobby HarringtonPhoto of Daniel McCoy
Grand Metanarrative: God’s Story as an Invitation to Theology AN OVERVIEW OF GOD’S STORY AND AN INVITATION TO JOIN IN All of us think about God and draw conclusions about him. In other words, we all do theology. So how do we do theology well? We do theology well by… Photo of Tony TwistPhoto of Mihai Malancea
God’s Word: The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture A GUIDE TO WHAT THE BIBLE IS AND WHY WE TRUST IT Disciples of Jesus spend a massive amount of time learning from the Bible. Yet what is the Bible? Why do Christians take it so seriously? What tools can… Photo of Orpheus J. HeywardOrpheus J. Heyward
Christian Convictions: Discerning the Essential, Important, and Personal Elements A CHRISTIAN’S GUIDE TO THE MOST CENTRAL ELEMENTS OF OUR FAITH If the Bible’s teachings were a target, which teachings would be at its bullseye? And what elements of faith are non-essential matters of personal preference? Christians unable to tell… Photo of Chad RagsdaleChad Ragsdale
The Gospel Precisely: Surprisingly Good News about Jesus Christ the King A GUIDEBOOK ON DEFINING, SHARING, AND OBEYING THE GOSPEL King Jesus is supplying lifeblood. But our insufficient grasp of the gospel is a dangerous blockage. If a heart ailment is treated haphazardly, death follows. People are hurting. Churches are confused.… Photo of Matthew W. BatesMatthew W. Bates
Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition AN INVITATION TO A BOLDER, BIBLICAL FAITH Faith. To skeptics, the word exhibits naïveté. Other people, somewhat religious, view faith as not much more than an emotional experience, and others see it as no more than affirming a list of… Photo of Mark E. MooreMark E. Moore
New Birth: Conversion and Baptism A GUIDEBOOK ON WHY AND HOW TO BE SAVED Why do we need a spiritual “new birth”? How is it even possible? The concept sounded strange to Jesus’ audience. It can sound even stranger in our day, when many wonder… Photo of Michael StricklandPhoto of Anessa Westbrook
Holy Spirit: Filled, Empowered, and Led AN INVITATION TO LET THE HOLY SPIRIT LEAD YOUR LIFE Imagine you were given the choice between two doors: one marked “The Study of the Holy Spirit” and the other “The Holy Spirit Is Here.” Which door would you choose?… Photo of David YoungDavid Young
Disciple Making: The Core Mission of the Church The early church did not approach church the way most Western churches do today. If they had, the church would not still be around today. Many churches today are producing church attenders, but Jesus called us to produce—and reproduce—disciple makers.… Photo of Bobby HarringtonPhoto of Scott Sager
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