Image for Announcing a Disciple Making Movement Focus in Indianapolis in late April

Announcing a Disciple Making Movement Focus in Indianapolis in late April

Photo of Bobby HarringtonBobby Harrington | Bio

Bobby Harrington

Bobby is the point-leader of and, both collaborative, disciple-making organizations. He is the founding and lead pastor of Harpeth Christian Church (by the Harpeth River, just outside of Nashville, TN). He has an M.A.R. and an M.Div. from Harding School of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of more than 10 books on discipleship, including Discipleshift (with Jim Putman and Robert Coleman), The Disciple Maker’s Handbook (with Josh Patrick) and Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level 5 Disciple Making (with Greg Weins). He lives in the greater Nashville area with his wife and near his children and grandchildren.

We are living at a time where fresh approaches to promoting the timeless message and methods of Jesus are needed. So, we are announcing a special format we have built that is adjacent to the National Gathering at the end of April.

The National Gathering ends two hours before’s National Disciple Making Forum begins. emphasizes the teachings of Jesus, while focuses on the disciple-making methods of Jesus. is featuring a track at the National Disciple Making Forum that will feature three key international leaders of Disciple Making Movements. Let me tell you about the track and the special price available for those who attend both the Gathering and the National Disciple Making Forum. But first let me tell you about Disciple Making Movements (DMM).

You can jump right to the low combo ticket price of $269 now by clicking here.

A Disciple Making Movement (DMM) is a rapid and exponential increase in disciples making disciples. These movements share a distinct group of priorities which provide the environment for viral multiplication. The emphasis on DMM principles started about thirty years ago and there are now somewhere around 1500 Disciple Making Movements around the world and they include 1%+ of the current world population.

“There are now somewhere around 1500 Disciple Making Movements around the world and they include 1%+ of the current world population.”

Here is a four-point summary of the character traits of a Disciple Making Movement (DMM):

  1. fast-growing
  2. indigenous (of the local culture)
  3. multiplying of disciples and groups
  4. obedient to Jesus as his followers (disciples)

Here is a short definition of a Disciple Making Movement DMM from the website:

A rapid and exponential increase in disciples making disciples within a local culture who plant multiple churches and these churches are churches which multiply disciples, groups, and churches of obedience-based disciples so that we can see at least four generations of churches produced in six streams of disciple-making activity and these streams multiply consistently into disciple making churches (100 churches or more within 2 to 5 years).

In the last thirty years, surprising movements of God have changed how we are approaching the Great Commission. In particular, the hardest-to-reach areas of the planet are being touched by Disciple Making Movements. The website seeks to track these movements. The website name is based upon Jesus’ statement in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

“The hardest-to-reach areas of the planet are being touched by Disciple Making Movements.”

They believe the day is in sight when we can say that every unreached people and place has been engaged by a group of people committed to Disciple Making Movement principles. They are explicitly targeting the end of 2025 as the goal for completing the task, as they have defined it.

Five Disciple Making Church Profiles

For simplicity, has developed five profiles that are practical and measurable ways of classifying where a church is in the disciple-making process. Our levels for measuring congregational disciple making include:

  • Level 1: subtracting from disciple-making efforts
  • Level 2: plateaued, neither helping nor hindering disciple making
  • Level 3: adding disciples by church programs
  • Level 4: reproducing personal disciple makers
  • Level 5: multiplying personal disciple makers

Jesus is our model for life and ministry. As such, Jesus is the pattern for Level 5 disciple makers. He did not just make disciples; he made disciple makers.

The graphic summary below is the model we used as a filter in this study.

Level 1: Subtracting // Level 2: Plateauing // Level 3: Adding

Level 4: Reproducing // Level 5: Multiplying

The good news is that there are disciple making churches in the USA—but just under 5% of all churches qualified as Level 4, reproducing disciples and disciple makers. Real Life Ministries in Idaho (Jim Putman) and Houston (Brandon Guindon) are great examples of Renew churches that are regularly reproducing an abundant number of disciple makers, and they are actively raising them up to plant churches. Again, notice their key character trait: they are part of the less than 5% of churches in the USA that are regularly reproducing disciples and disciple makers that result in church plants.

“There are disciple making churches in the USA—but just under 5% of all churches qualified as Level 4, reproducing disciples and disciple makers.

We have a hard time finding Level 5, Disciple Making Movement-type churches in the USA, which are characterized by multiplying (not just reproducing) disciples and disciple makers and new church plants.

But we have three international Renew leaders who are also international Disciple Making Movement leaders:

  • Shodankeh Johnson from Sierra Leone, Africa, leads a movement of hundreds of thousands.
  • Josh Howard from India helps lead a movement that planted 8,000 churches last year alone.
  • Curtis Sergeant helped initiate Disciple Making Movements in China, India, and around the world that have resulted in millions of disciples of Jesus.

These three men will be main stage speakers for the National Disciple Making Forum, and they are also being hosted by Paul Huyghebaert as they lead a four-part track on Disciple Making Movements.

“These three men are also hosted by Paul Huyghebaert as they lead a four-part track on Disciple Making Movements.”

Check out the track here.

The current price for the Renew National Gathering is $169 and the current price for the National Disciple Making Forum is $199, for a total of $368.

But we have a special combo ticket for both events that is $269.

We wanted you to know about this great deal. You can get all the benefit of the Gathering, from the connection event Tuesday night to the focus on being Resilient in the teachings of Jesus on Wednesday. And you can get the benefit of learning about Disciple Making Movements from these leaders at the National Disciple Making Forum, from the first session on Wednesday night, through the four breakout tracks, until the final session by Josh Howard up to supper time Thursday—all for just $269.00.

We hope to see you there! Click HERE to register now.