Image for Break for…Homecoming

Break for…Homecoming

Photo of Tony TwistTony Twist | Bio

Tony Twist

Tony grew up in Dallas, Texas and Alice Springs, N.T., Australia. His formal education included Milligan College, Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Southern Baptist Seminary, and Indiana University. Following graduation from Milligan he married Suzanne Grogan from Spencer, Virginia. He and Suzanne served churches in Virginia, Tennessee and Indiana with a primary focus on disciple making. His passions are disciple making, spending time with Suzanne, working out and making new friends around the world. He currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer for the TCM International Institute, a global graduate school for disciple makers based in Indianapolis, Indiana and Heiligenkreuz, Austria.

Jesus once said,

“If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14:23 ESV).

Homecoming. The inward pushing and pulling subsides. Breathless, lest anything disturb the calm, we wait outside of time. Anxious that no intrusive thought disturb our quiet place. Heart and mind obediently stayed on Him.

A distraction. Perhaps noise, a cough, the cat, or pressing problem. The mind goes leap-frogging down some side alley. Chasing the thoughts, we stop abiding.

Then, at some point down the road, we remember. “I was at home.”

The Holy Spirit can help. When we come back, He provides the power to continue. His love can gather us scattered wanderers back to Himself. And, if we really wish it, He empowers us to abide again.

An evil thought. A relished sin. The thoughts invade with vivid detail. Our hearts race. The mind follows, stupidly drawn by the siren lure of promised fulfillment. The puppet master behind the evil desires just out of reach. At some point we recollect again, “I was at home.”

Like a child learning to walk and talk, we simply get up and go again. Listening to our Father’s voice and looking into His eyes. His hand reaches out to welcome and provide the necessary balance to continue.

Such is fellowship with the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Their great fellowship enlarges to include us. We participate in the conversation, hearing and being caught up in their process. When we faint, they strengthen our faulting knees and clear our feeble minds. They open the eyes of our hearts so we can see with the immediacy of divine love.

They provide a waiting chair at the family table. A room made ready. Delighted to bring home to us.