Mirage: 5 Things People Want from God That Don’t Exist
These days, reasons for irritability pop up as regularly as Facebook advertisements. Of all the reasons to be irritable, this one has to be the worst: We often want things that turn out not to exist.
People can spend their lives wholeheartedly pursuing things that are unreal. These mirages burst like soap bubbles, and we are left disappointed and frustrated.
The purpose of this book is to expose 5 things people want from God that don’t exist—so that we can retrain our desires to focus on what does exist. When we pursue what does exist, we will find our souls satisfied.
“My friend Daniel McCoy has faithfully and winsomely addressed the struggle between desire’s myth and fact’s truth in this book.”
—Dr. David Young, author of A Grand Illusion: How Progressive Christianity Undermines Biblical Faith