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A summary of the best church planting insights bu the co-founder and CEO of the world’s largest gathering of church planters every year.

About the author

Todd Wilson is co-founder and director of Exponential (, a community of activists devoted to church multiplication. Todd received his B.S. in nuclear engineering from North Carolina State University and a master’s degree equivalent from the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory. Todd entered full-time vocational ministry as the executive pastor at New Life Christian Church where he played a visionary and strategic role for several years as New Life grew and implemented key initiatives such as multisite, externally focused outreach, and church planting. His passion for starting healthy new churches continues to grow. Todd now spends most of his energy engaged in a wide range of leading-edge and pioneering initiatives aimed at helping catalyze movements of healthy, multiplying churches. Todd is married to Anna, and they have two adult sons who are both married – Ben to Therese and Chris to Mariah.