Is there Really a Transgender “Craze” Seducing our Daughters? A Review of Abigail Shrier’s ‘Irreversible Damage’
Although written in 2020, Irreversible Damage discusses one of the most important subjects in the world today: transgenderism and how the subject is addressed in middle schools and high schools. As a teacher, I was surprised to find that at least 10% of my biologically female students are now identifying as either male, non-binary, or...
Guy Layfield
You might be falling for the sin of pride if…
The sin of pride is especially dangerous because it causes us to inflate our opinions and feelings over what God says. When we’re paying more attention to what we think and feel than to what God says, destruction is around the corner. Here are some of the ways we can tell if we are falling...
Angel Maldonado
A Call to Prayer for Tulsa
The Tulsa community needs our prayers, so let’s unite together as a body and lift them up before the Father. Pain—literal, physical pain is said to be the reason Michael Lewis killed four people and then himself in Tulsa on June 1. Another kind of pain, it could be argued, was the motive behind Salvador...
Nicole Stine
Why Did My Friend Die of Cancer at 62?
It’s been a year since my good friend of 35 years died, despite the best available medical treatment, after a three-month battle with cancer, and I miss him. He had been courageously fighting ITP, a blood disorder, for several years, but then in late February I had lunch with him and he complained of bad...
Clarke D. Forsythe
Loving Your Actual Neighbor: Starting Where You Live (Part 1)
In 2017 on a return flight from Orlando back to Ohio, I sat quietly contemplating one main question posed at the Exponential conference I had just attended. And that question was, “What if when Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, he meant your actual neighbor?” I’m certain there were many other great ideas...
Travis Williams
Lord’s Prayer: Forgive Us Our Debts
The Lord’s Prayer is short. That’s kind of the point (Matt. 6:7-8). If you’re going to whittle things down and say no more than what absolutely needs to be said, this is what needs to be said. The prayer only has four movements, and one of them is about forgiveness. “And forgive us our debts...
Jeremy Bacon
10 Reasons to Remember the Dead
Why is it important to remember the dead? We remember the dead for many reasons, as doing so unearths lessons from their lives to guide us in the present. In the 1970s, forgetting the dead caused one nation to kill one fourth of its living. It was the year 1975 in Cambodia. The Communist Khmer...
How Then Should We Live: Models of Christian Engagement of Culture
How should a Christian live his or her life in this world? We rightly assume that our Christian faith is not merely abstract belief. Our faith means something. It has consequences. It weighs upon and informs our decisions, our relationships, and our values. Or at least it should. After we have found the answer to...
Chad Ragsdale
Spiritual Abuse: 4 Twisted Values That Enable Churches to Hurt People
Spiritual abuse happens when a person with spiritual authority or power uses it as leverage to exploit another person’s trust and vulnerability to get what they want. Spiritual abuse is enabled in churches that have twisted value systems. You’ve seen the headlines: Report confirms a major denomination for decades has covered up sex crimes of...
Daniel McCoy
6 Reasons Why You Need to Attend Church in Person
Since the Covid lockdown, many churchgoers no longer attend worship services regularly, alleging it is easier and less time-consuming to stay home and watch an online service. When confronted, some suggest they have grown beyond the need for in-person worship at a local congregation, claiming they get as much fulfillment when viewing a service online....
Bob Russell
Amid Unspeakable Tragedies, This Is What I Most Appreciate about Jesus.
Nineteen children and two teachers were gunned down yesterday in a 2nd–4th grade elementary school in Uvalde, TX. Their parents will be sobbing and rocking themselves in grief tonight at the time when they should be kissing their children and tucking them in bed. Responses to this hellishness vary, from demands for stricter gun control...
Daniel McCoy
What Is a Biblical Worldview? Definitions, Dilemmas, and Dangers
What is a biblical worldview, and does it matter? A biblical worldview is a view of the world which seeks to answer life’s biggest questions from the teachings of the Bible. Many people see having a biblical worldview as unimportant. This includes non-Christians who see the world from a different worldview, as well as Christians...
What do I do when tragedy strikes? Here are 5 action steps.
Bad news is everywhere. It’s easy to become calloused when you hear so many tragic stories of everything going on in the world. Our hearts can’t handle the constant barrage of heartbreak. Most of us turn the channel and move on with our lives. But what do you do when tragedy strikes close to home?...
Joshua Branham
What Does the Bible Say About Death? 10 Truths About Death
What does the Bible say about death? The biblical writers give us a comprehensive and nuanced description of death. We learn that, from God’s perspective, death is both menacing and merciful. It is both an ending and a beginning. It can be both a separation and a reunion. Here are ten truths about death from...
Daniel McCoy
Fearing the Waves, Trusting in Jesus
I like to blame my fear of water on the 2006 film Poseidon. In the movie, a cruise ship is hit by a massive wave, and nearly everyone drowns. It’s one thing to hear about the Titanic, and it’s another to see it on the TV screen at 10 years old. But there are really...
Jake Sutherlin
Who Were Jesus’ Brothers? A Q&A with Brian Cunningham, PhD
Who were Jesus’ brothers? The sons of Joseph and Mary were James, Joseph, Jude, and Simon. While they were skeptical of Jesus during his ministry, this changed after Jesus’ resurrection. Two of Jesus’ brothers, James and Jude, went on to become leaders in the early church, each writing a New Testament book. The following conversation...
Brian Cunningham