What is a Man? How to be a R.E.A.L. Jesus-like Man.
Have you wondered what it really looks like to be a man of God? In this first part of our six-part series on Male & Female: A Biblical Look at Gender produced by RENEW.org, Bobby Harrington teaches on what it…
Bobby Harrington
How Does Jesus Teach Disciple Makers to Conquer Fear?
I am constantly trying to learn skills and tactics to help me be a better dad, husband, writer, teacher, and how to be a better disciple maker. In my reading of Matthew 10, I came across Jesus’ teaching on how to conquer fear and immediately wanted to figure out how to put it into practice....
Carl Williamson
Live by Faith: What It Means and Doesn’t
What does it mean to live by faith? Living by faith in Jesus means living with belief, trust, and lifelong allegiance in him. Faith may start as an internal force, but authentic faith comes out in how we live. An Impressive Internal Force Set in France in the early 1800s, Count of Monte Cristo by...
Daniel McCoy
What Your Prayer List Says About You
Prayer must surpass a sick list if we are going to be disciple makers. I believe our prayer life can be like looking in the mirror of our Christian life. Consider this: if every prayer that you uttered over the past thirty days were written down, what would be the content of those prayers? What...
Devin Robertson
Offering Perpetual Forgiveness
What should our response be to God’s choice to cancel all of our sin debt? Lead minister Joel Singleton explains how grace is meant to work.
Joel Singleton
Why the Risks of Artificial Intelligence Should Disturb Us—and Inspire Hope
It has been fifty-five years since Stanley Kubrick sounded the alarm regarding artificial intelligence (AI). In his film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kubrick envisioned a day when a computer could be taught to transcend its programming. Inventors of such technological advancements mean well: to advance the powers of humankind for good purposes. But Kubrick drew...
Nathan Wheeler
A Journey to Contentment
You don’t just arrive at a destination. You have to navigate the course and journey there. Sometimes it requires physical exertion. At other times, it may require more thought. But journeys that redirect and transform the heart always require more prayer. And a good teacher. Good teachers aren’t just found in a classroom. They can...
Debbra Stephens
God Is Faithful: How God Is a Shelter in the Storm
Jack Dawson is a Christian artist in our community of Joplin, Missouri, and his paintings are visual sermons. At the Bible college where I serve, our bookstore sells Jack’s paintings, including one entitled “Peace in the Midst of the Storm.” A first look at the canvas shows a mighty storm—dark skies, hard rain, huge waves...
Matt Proctor
God’s Plan Is For EVERYBODY
Anthony Walker, preaching minister of Hwy 231 Church of Christ, describes the implications of the Day of Pentecost for churches today.
Anthony Walker
6 Fathers in the Bible & the Advice They’d Give Today: Adam to Jacob
If the fathers in the early pages of the Bible could give modern fathers advice, what would they say? Based on their stories in the biblical books of Genesis and Job, here are some messages we can glean. Adam (See Genesis 3-4.) My advice is to step up and do what’s right when you most...
Daniel McCoy
Why Isn’t Jesus Enough to Fix My Mental Health Issues?
If you’re wrestling with this question, then I’m glad you’re curious and I’m also sorry for what you’re going through. In what follows, I’ll try to respond to this question with some biblical/theological frameworks which help me think about the issue. I’m sure a lot more could be said (and it would be helpful to...
John Whittaker
The Light Shines in the Darkness: 4 Effects of Seeing Jesus’ Light
The apostle John explains at the beginning of his Gospel, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5). By “the light,” John is referring to the truth and clarity that Jesus gives to his followers. Here are some reflections on what it means to let Jesus be our...
Mark McCoy
God the Father: A Quick Intro to the One Jesus Called ‘Father’
Who is God the Father? Who is the one whom Jesus encouraged us to pray to as “Our Father in heaven”? One way to introduce him is to note that God the Father and God the Son play their own distinct roles in the gospel. The “Triunity” of God is complex but that doesn’t make...
Daniel C. Berk
Preaching and Cultural Issues?
We are living through rapid cultural change. Many are turning from historic Christianity. Many are adopting Marxist and intersectional feminist ideals which turn them cynical toward biblical teachings. Progressivism now dominates the major institutions of society. David Young’s new book Resilient: Standing Firm in a Hostile World is a vital call and guide for Christians...
Bobby Harrington
The Offensive Words of Jesus
Several years ago, I was confronted by a disgruntled woman about something I taught in a Bible study video. “What you said in that lesson offended me!” Looking for an apology, she explained what had upset her. My lesson was about the sanctity of marriage. To stress the benefits of a Godly marriage, I quoted...
Bob Russell
How Do You Know? 10 Bible Verses on Knowledge
“Well, of course you can speak your truth. Anyone can, and we all should. But no one can speak the truth, because no one has the truth.” It was a good summary of where our culture is at on the question of truth, and for a few moments the campus minister was silent. Then, a...
Kelvin Jones