How Can I Help Others to Be Prepared for the End of Time?
This is Question #5 in Gary Johnson’s The End: The Return of King Jesus and the Renewal of All Things.
Gary Johnson
Sermon on the Mount: How to Cut Off Your Hand
The problem with most Christian discussions of sexual ethics is that they’re usually heavy on the “why” and light on the “how to.” But in Matthew 5:29-30, Jesus is pretty serious about the importance of doing something. Objectification is not okay. We get that. But quite a bit of my unredeemed body doesn’t care. So...
Jeremy Bacon
What Is the Promise of the New Heaven and New Earth?
This is Question #4 in Gary Johnson’s The End: The Return of King Jesus and the Renewal of All Things.
Gary Johnson
3 Ways Fear Lies to Us
Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. We all know fear; we’ve all experienced it. From the time we are young, we understand it. Whether real or imagined, fear is a part of our life on this earth....
Holli Turner
Holy Spirit Sermon Tools
Would you like your church to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit? To trade a secularized worldview for a biblical worldview? To let the Holy Spirit draw them to Jesus and make them like Jesus? To help churches…
What Future Awaits the Unrepentant?
This is Question #3 in Gary Johnson’s The End: The Return of King Jesus and the Renewal of All Things.
Gary Johnson
Blessed in Mourning: 3 Gifts to Give Someone Who Is Grieving
Unexpectedly over the last few months, I’ve gained deeper understanding of the second beatitude, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” I’ve known with my head that there will one day be a final fulfillment of this teaching of Jesus, where all those believers that have experienced grief and loss will find...
Chris White
Persecuted Christians Are Lights in the Darkness
Abdul Baith has lived in Pakistan most of his life and is a Christian of immense courage. He is not ashamed of the gospel, nor is he afraid of saying what needs to be said. As I sat across the table from him, drinking his delightful Pakistani tea, I needed him to say something. It’s...
Jake Sutherlin
Disciple Making Sermon Tools
Would you like your church to get clear on the core mission Jesus gave the church? To know what a disciple of Jesus is—and how to make one? To make Jesus’ life and teachings their curriculum for being and making…
What Is the Final Judgment?
This is Question #2 in Gary Johnson’s The End: The Return of King Jesus and the Renewal of All Things.
Gary Johnson
Book Review: On the Road with Saint Augustine, by James K.A. Smith
The point of a story is not to be original. The point of a story is to relate to other people. We may be different, you and me. We may even be vastly different. But there are some aspects of our stories that make it possible to see ourselves in each other. If I told...
Jonathan Ciecka
What Is the Final Judgment?
What is the Final Judgment talked about in the Bible? It is the event at the end of time when God, the righteous Judge, declares each person saved or condemned. In the biblical description of that day, there are elements reminiscent of a courtroom: a summons, the evidence, the verdict, and the exit. Many Americans...
Gary Johnson
Kingdom Life Sermon Series
Would you like your church to know more about what it looks like to live out God’s kingdom on earth? What holiness and love look like? What the “kingdom of God” is in the first place? To help churches engage…
Theology Starts Here
Theology can be done poorly. So how can we do it well? Where does good theology start? Tony Twist, co-author of Grand Metanarrative: God’s Story as an Invitation to Theology, explores where we should start when doing theology.
Tony Twist
A Metanarrative of Renewal
According to God’s grand metanarrative, God renews and restores what was lost. Tony Twist, co-author of Grand Metanarrative: God’s Story as an Invitation to Theology, describes this “metanarrative of renewal.”
Tony Twist