Peter Pan and the Fading of Youth
Peter Pan is one of my favorite books. Why would a children’s book be a favorite of mine? It’s simple really: Peter Pan isn’t a children’s book, much as Gulliver’s Travels isn’t for children. Unfortunately, when most people hear the title of J. M. Barrie’s book, they think of the Disney animated rendition, or the...
Luke Gray
5 Reasons Why We Must Reach the University
As a campus minister, it is my belief that the university campus is one of the most exciting and strategic mission fields in the United States. Here are my top five reasons why we must reach the university: 1. College students are walking away from their faith. Roughly 70% of churched students walk away from...
Tyler Richter
Letter to a Volunteer in Preteen Ministry
To the person interested in helping out in preteen ministry, Preteen ministry is a blast. And the preteen years have incredible potential for spiritual growth. If you are interested in helping with this age group, then as a preteen minister, I would like to share some of what I’ve learned. I was talking recently with...
Maria Roth
Deep Roots in Jesus
You want to keep being your own sustaining force? Dave Clayton explains that it is possible to spend your whole life in church and never experience deep roots in Jesus.
Dave Clayton
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
I remember watching Mr. Rogers when I was a kid in the 80’s. I wasn’t an ardent fan, and there was something about the show that as I grew older seemed really hokey and fake to me. That was long before I became a Christian. Now my children and I throughly enjoy Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood....
Jon Sherwood
Refueling When You’ve Been Rejected
Christianity works really well. Some of the time. Cultivating Christian character can help get you a job. Following principles of hard work and self-control can help you pay the rent. Learning patience and kindness can infuse stability into a rocky marriage. Because Christianity enhances our lives so well, we can start to see personal enhancement...
Kevin Holland
Inexhaustible: Leading Worship without Growing Tired
A few weeks ago, I was putting together the pieces for a Sunday morning worship service. Though we don’t always plan our services to be strictly thematic, I felt this particular theme was strong and could easily be supported with songs that mirrored that same theme. As any worship leader and musician would admit, when...
Corey Scott
How Do I Discern God’s Voice from the Rest?
How do we know when God is speaking? How do we know it is Him and not some misguided internal voice of our own making? When we make big decisions, how can we know we are making the right choices? When I was in high school, I played the trumpet in the jazz band. I...
Joel Singleton
How God Used My Miscalculation, an Awkward Prophecy, and a Crowded Capital
I’m going to tell you 3 stories. Hang with me until the end, and you will see 1) how they fit together, and 2) why you can trust God. Story #1 – A Miscalculation I went to high school at the Rift Valley Technical & Secondary School (RVTS) in Eldoret, Kenya. Students who were admitted...
Stephen Muhota
Defeating Anxiety: Not an Either-Or
Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Many Christian leaders (and their followers) do. I’ve written especially for people who doubt their faith, or their faithfulness, because they are taking prescription meds for anxiety or depression. I have also written for those who have rejected medication on the basis that they think it is not within...
Ralph Moore
Letter to a Woman Who Wants to Be a Missionary
My dear, passionate, committed, global loving friend, You may feel that there are few who understand your purpose as you embark on this adventure in missions. And many don’t. Don’t get discouraged, though, for there are still some who do, and you’ll find them, little by little. God has set you apart for just the...
Katie W
Promise Keepers: The Beginning
We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. – Col. 1:28-29 I was one of the founding leaders of the Promise Keepers Men’s Movement...
David Roadcup
What Is the “Person of Peace”?
What is a person of peace? In the New Testament, the “person of peace” is the person who opens the way for the gospel to enter one’s social group or even their village. Jesus taught his disciples to search for a “worthy” person or “person of peace” on entering a village. Throughout the book of...
Tom Marshall
Behold the Family of God
She clung to life with a fierce diligence. It was as though she refused to leave this life before having one last opportunity to see her daughter. To speak important last words. Some would say she willed her heart to keep beating. But those of faith would say it was the grace of God granting...
Debbra Stephens