The Old Chords Were Set Vibrating: Reawakening Our Mission
Often in the Word we read of people sent on missions: Jonah to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2), Isaiah to the Israelites (Isaiah 6:8–9), Saul to the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:18–24), Jesus to the earth (John 1:11–13). Are you clear on your mission? This means commitment to God, living your life for him (2 Corinthians 5:15).[1] This...
Douglas Jacoby
My Friend, and Former Atheist, Antony Flew
Antony G.N. Flew was the son of an English Methodist minister, Oxford educated at St. John’s College, one of the world’s most famous atheist philosophers for most of 50 years, and my friend for 25 of those years. I first read Flew during my undergraduate days, and then in seminary as a requirement in Analytical...
Terry Miethe
New Testament Creeds: A Strong Case for the Gospels
The New Testament does not quote only from the Old Testament. It also quotes pre-New Testament creeds which describe early Christian doctrine. Scholars recognize several of these creedal passages.[1] All creedal material embedded in the New Testament predates the texts within which it finds itself. The author uses these creeds for a couple reasons: first,...
Brett Seybold
You Can’t Make Disciples until You Make This Shift
It’s fascinating to me that two people can experience the same thing in opposite ways. For instance, one person might hear a sermon and say, “That was the best message I’ve ever heard,” while someone else will say, “I didn’t get anything out of it.” We hear this in churches all the time. Things like…...
Neil Reynolds
Could the Disciples Have Been Hallucinating When They Saw the Risen Jesus?
Renew partner Zach Breitenbach recently published an article in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society called “A New Argument that Collective Hallucinations Do Not Adequately Account for the Group Appearances of Jesus in the Gospels.” Recently, I was able to interview Zach about his new argument against the theory that the post-resurrection appearances were...
How Do You Remain Faithful to God When Life Has Been Terrible to You? (Part 1)
When I worked in adult education, I traveled to a state director’s meeting. On the morning of the meeting, I sat there listening to our speaker in a room that had amphitheater seating with desks in each row. Suddenly, I got this very warm sensation trickling down my back. I heard the man behind me...
Julia Martin
What if Your City Had a Lower Percentage of Christians Than North Korea?
*Editor’s Note: The following is a previously written article which Matthew has updated for Renew readers. We hope you find it helpful. Lower % of Christians than North Korea? As some of you know, Utah County, Utah, is less than 1% Christian (0.49%). That’s a lower percentage of Christians than Iraq (3.0%) or North Korea...
Matthew Anderson
Is Anxiety Interfering in Your Relationship with God?
“Am I doing enough to please God?” “Am I a good enough person to get into heaven?” These are some common worries that many Christians face and admit experiencing on a regular basis. We are told as a body of believers we should fear the Lord our God. And, yes, we should fear the Lord...
Andrew Haworth
3 Lessons I Learned from Norman Geisler
One of the greatest Christian apologists of our lifetime has finished his task. To me, Norman Geisler (1932-2019) was a mentor, a co-author, and a friend. He passed into heaven on Monday morning, July 1. Can I tell you 3 lessons I learned from Norm? #1 – Aim Higher. Although Norm was not a Renew...
Daniel McCoy
What Happens When We Die
Recently, I prayed with two men who were dying. Both were under Hosparus Care and were barely conscious. I reminded them of 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:8 where believers are encouraged not to lose heart when facing death. The Apostle Paul wrote that though outwardly we waste away, inwardly we can be rejuvenated daily. Paul advised, “So...
Bob Russell
Eat Fresh Crow
“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy” – Proverbs 28:13 I was wrapping up class with the youth group one Wednesday evening, when I noticed one of the church’s elders heading directly for me. I could tell by the look on his face that we were about...
Paul Huyghebaert
Your Shepherd’s Plan
How does the Lord’s shepherding effect you? Today, where you are? Enjoy another Features from Ozark Christian College.
Jon Kehrer
Tired of Living as Predictably as a Facebook Advertisement?
Headlines were buzzing with the announcement. Facebook had introduced a new metric that would significantly revamp their algorithms. I imagined shifty eyes of a techie scouring screens, pounding out a complicated formula on lettered keys. Crouched in shadows, beyond a labyrinth of cubicles, programming bits to track our every cyber-click. Or is my overactive imagination...
Debbra Stephens