They’re Different…That’s Church
Even if a church doesn’t look good or sound good it can penetrate if the Word is preached with power; acknowledging and responding to the Holy Spirit. When its membership lives differently and in loving fellowship it can be irresistible.
Christian Ray Flores
There’s No GPS for Leadership
There are few things I enjoy more than offshore fishing. I love the exhilaration I feel as I watch the shore fade into the distance. I begin to dream about what monster fish might find its way onto the end of my line. For me, this kind of fishing doesn’t begin until I am 50...
Paul Huyghebaert
The Problem of Addiction Today
Oftentimes when I am speaking to a group of people I ask, “How many people here know someone who struggles with addiction?” Then I ask, “How many people have known someone who has died from an accidental overdose?” The responses are alarming. While there may have been three or four people in a room raising...
Marcus De Carvalho, M.D.
How Do I Know My Love Isn’t Just an Act?
There’s a riches-to-rags, glory-to-gags story called The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde. Dorian and Sibyl would have made a gorgeous couple—he the enviably handsome gentleman and she the talented and beautiful stage actress. But after they fell in love, Dorian decided to bring a couple of his high society friends to watch...
Daniel McCoy
Jesus Never Lost at Rock, Paper, Scissor
As a kid, I was in line for the amusement park. Grandpa was taking us there. And he told me to lie about my age to get me in a lower cost bracket. That was a collision between respecting your elders and telling the truth. So do you flip a coin? Let’s say the bills...
Daniel McCoy
Grace as a Bop on the Head in the Middle of the Night
I’m writing this in the middle of the night as God is convicting me of my lack of perseverance in many areas of my life, both spiritual and personal. It comes after a challenging evening in my marriage, nothing serious, just the fruit of a busy day and a lack of grace and patience for...
Michelle Eagle
First Century Tombs
Although it is impossible to know for sure if Constantine’s officials identified the exact tomb of Jesus in the early 300s, we have every reason to think we have access to the location they believed was Jesus’ tomb. We are…
Bobby Harrington
It’s Not Looking Good, But It’s Not over Yet
“It’s not looking good, but it’s not over yet.” Remember thinking this thought at two minutes left to go in the fourth quarter? You said to yourself, If they can make a three pointer and then force a turnover . . . . You might have had the same thought on an election night, as...
Daniel McCoy
The Historicity of the Two Men Who Authorized Jesus’ Death – Evidence for Easter (Part 2)
The truth of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is supremely important. But the position a person takes on these events should not be a matter of pride, arrogance, or blind faith. (For Part 1 on the historical evidence that Jesus existed, click here. For Part 3 on evidence regarding Jesus’ death and resurrection, click here.) ...
Bobby Harrington
Caiaphas’ House
The Bible tells us that Caiaphas was the Jewish high priest under whom Jesus stood trial. Matthew 26:57 describes it this way: ”Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the…
Bobby Harrington
Introducing Renew
We want to Renew the teachings of Jesus to fuel discipleship. Jesus came with a message and a mission. It just doesn’t make sense to create your own, self-inspired theology if you truly want to trust and follow Him.
Does History Demonstrate that Jesus Existed? – Evidence for Easter (Part 1)
Easter is a special time when the interest about Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection is piqued for many. There are lots of people who share opinions. But few share the facts. This is the first of three posts giving facts about Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection. (For Part 2 on the...
Bobby Harrington
At Renew we think the Great Commission is the greatest mission on earth. There are many settings and many methods by which a disciple maker can engage in disciple making. If you are interested in becoming a better disciple maker…
How to Model Passionate Politeness
My wife and I (Jason) have two children. As parents, we have found more than one situation where we disapprove of how one of the kids is treating their sibling. We will say something like, “Be kind!” or, “Stop being selfish!” When one considers these commands outside of the moment, it becomes easy to see...
A Grand Illusion: How Progressive Christianity Undermines Biblical Faith
A GUIDE FOR EMBRACING BIBLICAL FAITH IN THE FACE OF AMERICAN PROGRESSIVISM North American Christianity stands at a major crossroads. Hundreds of thousands of believers have begun to lose interest in apostolic Christianity: the faith of the Scriptures, the great…
David Young