Resources by Bobby Harrington:
Comparing New Testament Interpretations with the Church Fathers
Just a few months ago, I (Bobby) was a part of a meeting where national church leaders discussed/debated the essential definition of church (the subject of “minimum ecclesiology”). After all, if we are going to plant churches together, then we need to have a shared definition of a church. One of the leaders stated that...
First Century Tombs
Although it is impossible to know for sure if Constantine’s officials identified the exact tomb of Jesus in the early 300s, we have every reason to think we have access to the location they believed was Jesus’ tomb. We are…
Bobby Harrington
The Historicity of the Two Men Who Authorized Jesus’ Death – Evidence for Easter (Part 2)
The truth of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is supremely important. But the position a person takes on these events should not be a matter of pride, arrogance, or blind faith. (For Part 1 on the historical evidence that Jesus existed, click here. For Part 3 on evidence regarding Jesus’ death and resurrection, click here.) ...
Bobby Harrington
Caiaphas’ House
The Bible tells us that Caiaphas was the Jewish high priest under whom Jesus stood trial. Matthew 26:57 describes it this way: ”Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the…
Bobby Harrington
Does History Demonstrate that Jesus Existed? – Evidence for Easter (Part 1)
Easter is a special time when the interest about Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection is piqued for many. There are lots of people who share opinions. But few share the facts. This is the first of three posts giving facts about Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection. (For Part 2 on the...
Bobby Harrington
How to Model Passionate Politeness
My wife and I (Jason) have two children. As parents, we have found more than one situation where we disapprove of how one of the kids is treating their sibling. We will say something like, “Be kind!” or, “Stop being selfish!” When one considers these commands outside of the moment, it becomes easy to see...
Conviction and Civility
We live in a time where we must learn when and how to communicate without eliciting extreme and polarized reactions. At the same time, too many people who are good at being civil, lack strong convictions and too many people…
Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level 5 Disciple Making
Becoming a Level 5 Disciple Maker is an introduction to the five levels of disciple making with a focus on how to become a Level 5 disciple maker like Jesus. The authors discuss why we should pursue Level 5 disciple making, how we can pursue…
Bobby Harrington
Revisiting the Master Plan of Evangelism
The two friends and co-authors believe that Jesus’ method incorporated all the divine wisdom, knowledge and insight included in Jesus’ identity. In this resource, they point out the ways in which Jesus’ method is the perfect method. Throughout Harrington’s interview…
Bobby Harrington
Baptism: What the Bible Teaches
A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING BAPTISM AS A DEFINING COMMITMENT FOR DISCIPLES As church leaders, we see it on people’s faces — they want renewal. Baptism helps disciples and seekers find a renewed faith in Jesus and commitment to following him.…