Resources by Julia Martin:
Julia Martin
Julia Martin is a women’s speaker, writer and recording artist whose passion is to see Christians fully embrace the abundant life offered in Jesus Christ. She serves as Resident Worship Leader at Antioch Christian Church. Her favorite things are long dinners with friends and anything that takes place outside.
When the World’s All Wrong…Trust God
How do we do what’s right in a world that’s all wrong? As we learn from the life of Daniel, we must set our minds, persevere in challenges, and, finally, we must trust God with the results. As a young man, Daniel the Hebrew was selected with some of his friends to be trained for...
Julia Martin
When the World’s All Wrong…Persevere
It is easy to make a decision, to commit oneself to a course of action. It is much harder to stick to that decision when challenges arise or roadblocks obstruct our path. I can think of numerous examples of this in my own life. I remember when I was in the third grade, I wanted...
Julia Martin
When the World’s All Wrong…Set Your Mind
Have you ever been somewhere that you didn’t belong? Have you found yourself in a place where you just didn’t fit in? In a place that just seemed all wrong for you? This too was the experience of the prophet Daniel. He found himself in a world where he did not belong. As you read...
Julia Martin
3 Steps for Choosing Obedience When You Suffer
When I contemplate human suffering, two words come to mind: lamb stew. One winter evening I joined a friend in her home for dinner. I looked forward to it as her cultured culinary skills always made our shared suppers delightful and delicious. We sat down to an elegant table setting. She served the main course....
Julia Martin
Fueling Kindness with a Question
I remember one cold, icy morning when I was getting out of my vehicle for work. I noticed a young man in his twenties was getting out of his vehicle too. He was tall and slender, wearing denim and cowboy boots. He was shutting his door as I walked by, and that’s when I noticed...
Julia Martin
Tiptoeing on the Tricky Tightrope of Boundaries in Ministry
A woman comes into your office. She’s been in before. She has a reputation. She asks you for money and says the children won’t eat that evening if you don’t help. You suspect the funds will be spent on drugs and alcohol, but something about her seems a little more desperate this time. What do...
Julia Martin
How Do You Remain Faithful to God When Life Has Been Terrible to You (Part 2)
How do you remain faithful to God when life has been terrible to you? First, stay connected. Second, stay focused. What do we focus on? On Christ our Savior and the price He paid. We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but One who has experienced everything we will...
Julia Martin
How Do You Remain Faithful to God When Life Has Been Terrible to You? (Part 1)
When I worked in adult education, I traveled to a state director’s meeting. On the morning of the meeting, I sat there listening to our speaker in a room that had amphitheater seating with desks in each row. Suddenly, I got this very warm sensation trickling down my back. I heard the man behind me...
Julia Martin
The Greatest Song You’ve Never Heard
Do you hear that? Stop for a second. Listen. It’s faint but undeniably present. Can you hear it? It seems to be . . . a melody. It is distant, almost inaudible. If you strain you will hear it more clearly. It is beautiful, wistful, enrapturing. This is the sound of your life. Indeed, Life...
Julia Martin