Resources by Mark E. Moore:
Mark E. Moore
Mark joined the staff at Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV) in Peoria, Arizona in July 2012 as a teaching pastor. CCV currently has nine locations and 33,000 in weekly attendance. Prior to joining the CCV team, Mark was a Professor at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri (1990-2012). Currently, he is an online professor for Ozark, an Adjunct Professor at Hope International University in Fullerton, California and Haus Edelweiss, Vienna, Austria. Mark is also the author and co-author of many books mostly on the Life of Christ, book of Acts, and Revelation.
“Jesus is Lord”: A Revolutionary Echo from the Greco-Roman World
In the modern church, “Jesus is Lord” rolls easily off the tongue in sermon and song. It has invaded our vocabulary and become standard in our liturgy. As an ancient acclamation, however, it would have been more difficult to articulate. In the Roman world, recent converts would have gasped, and political prospects would have choked...
Mark E. Moore
What Is Faith in the Bible? What Faith Means and How to Live It
What is faith in the Bible? The Bible teaches us to place our faith in Jesus, which means to believe what Jesus says, trust in Jesus to save you from your sins, and place your allegiance in Jesus as king. Faith is what we give in response to God’s grace. Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is...
Mark E. Moore
Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition
AN INVITATION TO A BOLDER, BIBLICAL FAITH Faith. To skeptics, the word exhibits naïveté. Other people, somewhat religious, view faith as not much more than an emotional experience, and others see it as no more than affirming a list of…
Mark E. Moore
How Does Faith Respond to the Enthronement of King Jesus?
This is Question #5 in Mark E. Moore’s Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Faith and Culture.
Mark E. Moore
What Is Faith Without Works?
This is Question #4 in Mark E. Moore’s Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition.
Mark E. Moore
How Does Jesus Call Us to Both Salvation and Discipleship?
This is Question #3 from Mark E. Moore’s Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition.
Mark E. Moore
Why Is Faith a Necessary Response to Grace?
This is Question #2 in Mark Moore’s Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition.
Mark E. Moore
What Is Faith?
This is Question #1 in Mark E. Moore’s Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition.
Mark E. Moore
Introduction to Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition
Author Mark E. Moore introduces his book Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition and gives an overview of the book.
Mark E. Moore
Preview of Faithful Faith: Reclaiming Faith from Culture and Tradition
Since we are saved by grace through faith, then wouldn’t it be a good idea to be clear on what biblical faith is? In this sneak preview of Faithful Faith by Mark Moore, you will explore what faith is according to the Bible.
Mark E. Moore
A Brief Biography of St. Paul
It would be difficult to exaggerate the impact that Paul had on Christianity. His attacks on the church prompted the first missionary activities. His conversion and subsequent preaching transformed the Jewish messianic movement into a universal religion. His intellectual genius was embedded in his thirteen N.T. letters which became a cornerstone for church doctrine and polity. Next...
Mark E. Moore
The Power of Jesus
Normally when we think of Jesus’ power, we automatically think about his miracles. That’s really not a bad place to start; after all, he did some pretty impressive stuff! However, this will need a bit of clarification. Miracles are not told merely to impress people with Jesus’ uncanny power. Rather, they proclaim the kingdom. They...
Mark E. Moore
Meals of Jesus
Human beings are the only animals that eat communally. We decorate our tables, call our families, present the meal with ornamental color, and use specific utensils for various elements of the meal. It looks more like a ceremony than a biological necessity and, in fact, it is. Meals are complex social events that function as...
Mark E. Moore