Resources by David Young:
David Young
David Young serves as the senior minister for the North Boulevard Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He has worked for churches in Missouri, Kansas, and Tennessee, taught New Testament at several universities, and travelled widely teaching and preaching. He is the former host of the New Day Television Program, a board member for the Renew Network, and the author of several books, including A New Day (NB Press), The Rhetoric of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, (Fortress Press, co-authored with Michael Strickland), A Grand Illusion (Renew Publications), and King Jesus and the Beauty of Obedience-Based Discipleship (Zondervan). He holds the B.A. from Freed-Hardeman University, the M.A. from Harding School of Theology, and the M.A. and Ph.D. in New Testament from Vanderbilt University. David and his wife Julie have two married children.
Gain Strength from Your Resolve
When I was in junior high school, the coaches in my physical education class decided to teach us several dances. I had been taught by my church that dancing is sinful because it creates lustful situations. I doubt the church of my youth still teaches this (I really don’t know), and I’ve since changed my...
David Young
Facing Pressure? Remember Your Baptism.
Years ago in the city of Jonesboro, Arkansas, two boys pulled the fire alarm at the Westside Middle School. As the students and their teachers exited the building, these boys began to shoot into the crowd from a slope across the parking lot, killing four students and a teacher. The thirty-two-year-old teacher was hit when...
David Young
Baptism: What the Bible Teaches
A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING BAPTISM AS A DEFINING COMMITMENT FOR DISCIPLES As church leaders, we see it on people’s faces—they want renewal. Baptism helps disciples and seekers find a renewed faith in Jesus and commitment to following him. The authors…
Resilient: Standing Firm in a Hostile World
THE GUIDEBOOK WE NEED FOR TIMES WE NEVER ASKED FOR Are you a Christian resolved to following the teachings of Jesus regardless of cultural pressure? This book is written for you and the millions of Christians in North America who…
David Young
What Is the Purpose of Baptism?
What is the purpose of baptism? Baptism expresses faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Baptism is like the disciple’s wedding ceremony. As wedding ceremonies make marriage concrete, so does repentance-confession-baptism seal and holistically solidify our relationship with Christ and his forgiveness. Bill and Sue are in love, but they are not yet...
What to Do When Your Child Stops Believing
When he was about fourteen years old, my son, Jonathan, sat me down and told me that he had lost his faith in God. I was hurt, but I wasn’t surprised. After all, he had not shown much spiritual interest in several years. He suffered from depression and had been painfully lonely since we moved...
David Young
Spiritual Warfare: Getting Clear on Our Real Enemy
What is spiritual warfare? Spiritual warfare is what the apostle Paul calls “our struggle…against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm” (Eph. 6:12). When we say spiritual, Americans often merely mean emotional. When the Bible uses the term, however, it refers to the personal, real beings who are beyond physics but who interact...
David Young
Who is Joining Network and Why?
The Network was launched five years ago as a renewal movement for those who prize following the lordship of Jesus through Scripture. With Scripture as our guiding and final authority, we articulated a faith statement to give everyone unity and clarity on the beliefs and direction we are pursuing as a network (see our...
The Definition of Holiness & How to Live It Today
What is the definition of holiness? Holiness is the divine dimension that exists in every single thing ever created. Using the language of Colossians 1:16-17, holiness describes everything’s divine origin (“through God”), everything’s divine purpose (“for God”), everything’s divine place in the universe (“before God”), and everything’s divine construction (“holds together in God”). How can...
David Young
Infant Baptism: Does the New Testament Teach Paedobaptism?
Does the Bible teach infant baptism (also called paedobaptism)? Many denominations of Christianity practice infant baptism, but an exploration of the Scriptures describing baptism and its purpose challenges the practice. Baptism in Scripture involves internal factors such as belief and repentance which do not fit infant baptism. There was a young couple talking about marriage....
What Is Progressive Christianity? 9 Tendencies
What is progressive Christianity? Progressive Christianity is a rewriting of essential and important elements of biblical teachings to fit Western secular values. Progressives tend to pick groups they feel are the underdogs and then read the Bible through a lens of what will help people in those groups achieve self-actualization. For many evangelicals, progressivism feels...
David Young
Is the Bible the Word of God? Here’s What the Bible Claims.
Is the Bible the Word of God? A first step in answering the question is to ask what the Bible claims about itself. The question matters because, if it is the Word of God, no other source of truth should come close in claiming our attention. Is the Bible the Word of God? Here are...
David Young
“Your Church May Be Progressive If…” Real Life Theology with Renée Sproles
Renée Sproles and David Young, senior minister of North Boulevard Church of Christ, discuss the signs you may see if your church is moving toward progressivism, and why that trajectory isn’t biblical.
Holy Spirit: Filled, Empowered, and Led
AN INVITATION TO LET THE HOLY SPIRIT LEAD YOUR LIFE Imagine you were given the choice between two doors: one marked “The Study of the Holy Spirit” and the other “The Holy Spirit Is Here.” Which door would you choose?…
David Young