Resources by Lee Keele:
Lee Keele
Lee and Ginger Keele have been married and ministering together for over 27 years. Life is an adventure with 5 children; the two youngest still at home, and two in college. Lee has degrees in Bible and Ministry from Oklahoma Christian University and is currently working toward a Master of Business Administration. Passionate about teaching, preaching, and making disciples, Lee continues to enjoy working with the local church. Together, Lee and Ginger have experience in adult ministries, youth, and children's ministries, and have partnered together in missions and several overseas mission trips.
Church Leaders Need Friends
It shouldn’t be a surprise that church leaders need solid friendships. But how? What does it look like? For help on this, I reached out to some trusted church leaders who have cultivated solid friendships. It looks like…Levels. John Caldwell There are several levels of healthy relationships. For instance, I have many acquaintances, men whom...
How to Disciple through Emotional Trauma: Truth
John 1:17 reads, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” Law (or any rule) cannot free people from emotional trauma. You can tell people all day that they have no reason to believe a lie… to be afraid… or to be ashamed. You can tell people to do...
Lee Keele
How to Disciple through Emotional Trauma: Grace
Every biblical model of Christian discipleship should circle constantly around the idea of love. If we miss love, we’ve missed everything. Hold on to this thought tightly, because love is at the heart of discipleship and disciple-making.. Jesus told us to “teach them [disciples] to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). And...
Lee Keele
How to Disciple through Emotional Trauma: Time
“I don’t think I’ll ever drive again!” Opal told me. And honestly, I couldn’t blame her for how she felt at this particular moment. She had been involved in a single-car accident in which she was driving. Her accident had caused the unintentional death of one of her dear and lifelong friends. She was sober...
Lee Keele
Q: What Are Men Really Hungry For? (Part 2)
*Editor’s Note: What are some things that men deeply hunger for, which can be met through discipling relationships with other men? We asked a panel of men who have discipled other men before, and below is Part 2 of their answers. For Part 1, click here. A: Men Need to Experience Conversion By John Caldwell...