Resources by Tim Casey:
Tim Casey
Tim has been a Christian school educator since 2006. His desire is to see Christian schools equipped to train up authentic and passionate followers of Jesus. He has his bachelor’s in biblical literature (Ozark Christian College), his master of arts in discipleship ministries (Liberty University), and is currently working on his doctorate in education (Liberty University). Tim counts himself especially blessed to share life’s adventure with his wife Shauna and their three kids--Tucker, Soren, and Truett.
Good Work: Learning to See Work as a Gift
I am starting to believe there is a difference between being a hard worker and having a good work ethic, and I think one of the main differences is how a person can learn to enjoy the work they do. Someone can be a hard worker, but complain all day long about what they have...
Tim Casey
Learning by Doing: Preparing People We Lead for Action
Several important things changed for my son during the summer between his 8th and 9th grade year of school. Not only was that the summer we moved from Iowa back to Missouri, but as Tucker was headed into high school, he grew several inches, got his braces taken off, and decided to make the switch...
Tim Casey
Compassion: A Childlike & Christlike Response to a Broken World
What happens when you see someone in poverty? I remember a time years ago when I heard a student’s mom talk about the first time she saw it. She wasn’t describing a story about poverty on the news or social media, but the first time she saw it face-to-face. Up close and personal. She and...
Tim Casey
Christian Education and Confronting Boredom
A number of years ago, I spent a week of my Bible class asking my students this question: “Would you describe your Christian life as exciting?” Out of roughly 150 students, I had only one student answer “yes.” She was a missionary kid from Africa there on furlough for one semester. I understand that just because students...
Tim Casey
Some Positives of Christian Education
As I think about topics to address concerning Christian education, I often find myself focusing on cautions and pitfalls. Things that Christian educators should watch out for and work to fight against. While I think these are important things to write about, it feels problematic. When you’re zoomed in on a problem, it’s easy to...
Tim Casey
A Pivotal Teaching Moment: Recognizing God’s Voice
God’s voice can get tuned out in the busyness of life—even of church life. Why is it important to teach people how to recognize his voice? I recently came across one of my favorite stories from the Bible. Throughout my years of teaching, it’s not only reminded me of why I teach, but also what to teach. It’s the...
Tim Casey
Good News, Good Fear, and Good Change
The good news of Jesus brings good change, and that’s not always something that leaves us feeling warm and secure. For the last decade, I have been blessed to teach my students about the life of Christ. The thing I love most about it is that every time I step away from teaching Matthew, Mark,...
Tim Casey
A Thrill of Hope: Rediscovering Joy by Returning to the Original Christmas
Although the romanticism of Christmas can fade, we rediscover lasting joy by returning to the original Christmas. I love the Christmas season. I always have. I took my family to a local Christmas tree farm to cut down our own tree this year. Any other time of year, the errand would’ve seemed a nightmare. Who...
Tim Casey
Rethinking What Bible Character You Are
Whenever I’m watching a movie, if a character has to go under water for an extended period of time, I hold my breath. I’ve done this for as long as I can remember. Not as a psychological reflex or anything, I’m just skeptical. So if I can’t hold my breath that long, I don’t think...
Tim Casey