Resources by Stephen Brownlow:
Stephen Brownlow
Stephen is married to his wonderful wife, Brittany, and is the father of two children. He is a ministry graduate of Dallas Christian College and received his masters from Point University. When he isn’t writing, you can find him making things in his garage or just enjoying the role of being a husband and father.
A Lesson from Peter on Making It Through Dark Valleys
The apostle Peter followed Jesus but experienced his share of dark valleys. From his life, we see what carried him through these seasons. Sometimes you’re on top of the world and sometimes you’re in a valley. David experienced a valley when he was hunted by Saul, and later when he fled Jerusalem after being betrayed...
Stephen Brownlow
The Crisis in Ukraine – a Call to Prayer
To understand the current crisis Ukraine faces, it is helpful to look at its troubled history. Here’s a quick intro on what to know about Ukraine and how to pray for it. If you typed in the address bar of your browser, navigated to the history section of that site, and read the first...
Stephen Brownlow
When Life Hits, Think About Joseph in the Bible
When life gets tough and your dreams fall through, it’s time to think about Joseph in the Bible. It’s a story of human endurance and God’s faithfulness. So, you’re working away at your calling. You put in extra hours and invest your heart and soul into the role. You’re doing so well that your boss...
Stephen Brownlow
What I Learn about My Purpose from a Fisherman in the Bible
Simon was a fisherman in the Bible whose catch of fish hundreds of years ago tells me a lot about how I should be living today… When I was a young man, I could often be found riding my bike down a busy roadway toward a park a few miles away. The only difference between...
Stephen Brownlow
You Are Unique!
A deck of cards that is shuffled correctly is an example of something profoundly unique. The number of possible orders for a deck of cards is a 68-digit number. That’s an incredibly large number of possible orders! I can comprehend seven-digit numbers and ten-digit numbers, but 68 digits? How large is that number? There are...
Stephen Brownlow
Fishing & Faith
Everywhere I looked, there was someone sitting in the grass or on stone ledges where they could get a nice view of the Sea of Galilee from the Mount of Beatitudes. In the distance, I could see one of the modern replicas of ancient fishing boats moving through the water at a steady pace. Just...
Stephen Brownlow