Resources by Andrew J:
Andrew J
Andrew was born and raised in New Zealand and has served in various ministry roles in youth ministry and missions in New Zealand and the United States. He is the founder of MiT Global that has a focus of making passionate purposeful disciples who are living on mission for Jesus. His passion is teaching and training disciples to live on mission daily to have a global impact. He loves to challenge disciples and inspire the next generation to live passionately and radically for God. He has trained numerous churches in their missions strategy. He has traveled extensively around the world teaching, leading and training disciples. He holds an undergraduate degree in Human Geography from the University of Auckland and a Masters in Christian Education and a Certificate in Leadership and Teaching from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Missions Abandoned: Re-Establishing Missions as a Priority in Our Lives and Churches and Missions in Focus: 10 Essential Conversations for Effective Sending. He is married to his beautiful bride, Jamie, and blessed with two daughters, Hannah and Ella.
A Christian’s Four Mission Fields
Global missionaries often use the term “mission field” to describe where they have been called by God to take the gospel. Yet there are actually four “mission fields” followers of Jesus are commanded by God to work in. Each of these fields needs reintegrating into both our individual and church lives. The Bible indicates that...
Andrew J
Connecting Our Church’s Vision to God’s Global Mission
How do we and our churches awaken to the vision of God’s global mission to save people from every nation, tribe, and people? It starts with being a disciple of Jesus, with our heart beating in step with his compassion for people and his passion for seeing God’s glory restored on the earth as it...
Andrew J
Contentment: Verses in the Bible and a Snapshot from Cambodia
Learning contentment can be challenging, but we find help from verses in the Bible as well as from stories of contentment amid difficulties. International disciple maker Andrew J describes contentment by taking us back to his first mission trip. One of the most common questions asked when visiting an underprivileged part of the world is...
Andrew J
What’s the Difference between Mission and Missions?
There is a lot of confusion about what is “mission” and what is “missions.” The terms can be ambiguous and unclear for the local church when not clearly defined, leading to such a broad application that the adage becomes reality: “If everything is missions, nothing is missions.”[1] When the word missions is used broadly, it...
Andrew J
Sharpening Our Focus on the Great Commission
The Great Commission is a foundational Scripture and seemingly clear-cut. However, the way that you interpret and apply it will affect your church’s vision when it comes to missions. We would like to make two general observations. When you think of the Great Commission, you probably focus on the imperative “to go and make disciples,”...
Andrew J