Resources by Karl Halverson:
Karl Halverson
Twenty-eight years married. Three college kids and a seventh grader. Always learning how to replace personal dreams with obedience to God’s will. Garnered enough mental fortitude to finish a B.Th. at Ozark Christian College, an MA New Testament at Lincoln Seminary, an MA Global Leadership at Fuller, and an MA Islamic Studies at Columbia Int. University. Making disciples for decades as a burger flipper, restaurant server, youth minister, cross-cultural servant in Central Europe and the US and now as the executive director of an organization that helps national church leaders and missionaries publish Christian books worldwide in dozens of languages.
Reflecting on the Word ‘Revival’
At the outset, let me make this point clear: I don’t ever want to undermine what the Holy Spirit is up to. But language is important, and I do want to suggest that not every powerful movement of the Holy Spirit fits the word “revival.” I want to encourage you to reflect with me on...
Karl Halverson
Your Reconstruction Story as Told by Jesus
Back in high school I used to ask myself, How can I make disciples like Jesus if I don’t literally walk everywhere and have people follow me as I walk? Over the years, that has morphed into wondering what it looks like to make disciples as much like Jesus as possible—without thinking that I can...
Karl Halverson
The Deconstruction Story That Makes the Most Sense
In his essay “What are we to make of Jesus?,” C.S. Lewis presents us with a worthwhile thought. He says, “What are we to make of Jesus Christ? This is a question which has, in a sense, a frantically comic side. For the real question is not ‘What are we to make of Jesus Christ...
Karl Halverson