Resources by Ben Sobels:
Ben Sobels
Ben is married to Joni. They have five kids, all of whom they’ve launched, and live in Salinas, CA. Ben has been following Jesus for 25 years. He's the senior pastor of Cypress Community Church. Among other things, Ben is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, he's been a main stage speaker at the National Disciple Making Forum, and he's written a book about there connection between the gospel and disciple-making with his good friend, Bill Hull, entitled The Discipleship Gospel. In his spare time, Ben loves to mountain bike.
Q&A – 3 Questions We’ve Started Asking at Baptism
*Editor’s Note: Sometimes a church’s expectations for a new believer are fuzzy. Is regular church attendance a good goal, or should we be aiming higher? How should we communicate Jesus’ sober call to deny ourselves and follow him alongside his promise of grace and forgiveness for all who call upon his name? I recently had...
Ben Sobels