Resources by Chris White:
Chris White
Chris White has supported the faculty and students of Ozark Christian College as the Online Course Development Director since 2013. Some of his responsibilities include instructing Strategies for Teaching, overseeing the development of online courses, and training faculty in the use of new technologies. He married his wife, Samantha, in 2008, graduated from OCC with a Bachelor of Arts in Student Ministry and Psychology and Counseling in 2011, and graduated from Lincoln Christian Seminary with a Masters of Religious Education in 2014. He is a fan of most things related to Science Fiction and Fantasy and ponders them with his dog, Charlie.
Blessed in Mourning: 3 Gifts to Give Someone Who Is Grieving
Unexpectedly over the last few months, I’ve gained deeper understanding of the second beatitude, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” I’ve known with my head that there will one day be a final fulfillment of this teaching of Jesus, where all those believers that have experienced grief and loss will find...
Chris White