Resources by Travis Williams:
Travis Williams
Travis is the Family Outreach Minister at The Belpre Church of Christ in southeast Ohio. He is blessed to be married to his lovely wife Kate and proud to be the father of 3 beautiful daughters. He graduated from Ohio Valley University with a Bible degree and has been in full time youth and family ministry since 2008. Travis helps run a non profit in his late daughter’s name called The Haddie Fund which seeks to bless children with medical handicaps. He also enjoys nature and is part of a hunting ministry called Shedding Light Outdoors.
Loving Your Actual Neighbor: Starting Where You Live (Part 1)
In 2017 on a return flight from Orlando back to Ohio, I sat quietly contemplating one main question posed at the Exponential conference I had just attended. And that question was, “What if when Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, he meant your actual neighbor?” I’m certain there were many other great ideas...
Travis Williams