Resources by Jonathan Storment:
Jonathan Storment
Jonathan is the Preacher at the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ in Little Rock, Arkansas, He and his wife, Leslie, have five children and are passionate about discipling the next generation in the way of Jesus. Storment has written two books: How to Start a Riot and Bringing Heaven to Earth,” which he co-authored with Josh Ross.
Making Room for Hope
Want to seem like the smartest person in the room? Then be cynical. But is cynicism the way to truth? Could there be a hopeful way to interact with the world which is based in truth? Jonathan Storment, minister and…
Jonathan Storment
Theology of the Body: What the Bible Teaches About the Importance of Bodies
What is a theology of the body? It is easy for us to see our bodies as disconnected from our spirituality. Yet the Bible teaches us much about the purposefulness, value, and even sacredness of our bodies. Developing a biblical theology of our bodies provides crucial context for how we treat each other and how...
Jonathan Storment
Carrying a Cross Through Political Crossfire
“Leadership is disappointing your own people at a pace that they can stand.” —Tod Bolsinger Leslie Newbigin was a well-known British missionary to India in the last century. He and his wife were effective cross-cultural church planters and understood how to translate the gospel to the culture they had come to live in. But after...
Jonathan Storment