Resources by Joel Singleton:
Joel Singleton
Joel Singleton is the Lead Minister of the San Jose Church of Christ in Jacksonville FL. Joel is married to Alison and they have two children, Truitt and Quinn. Joel has served in full time ministry for the last 14 years and in that time he has written several resources devoted to disciple making and family. His desire first and foremost is for Christians to relearn how to make disciples in the home and in the church.
Offering Perpetual Forgiveness
What should our response be to God’s choice to cancel all of our sin debt? Lead minister Joel Singleton explains how grace is meant to work.
Joel Singleton
Practicing Spiritual Disciplines as a Family
No one should expect to be the world’s best football player the first time they step on the field. Likewise, no one can expect to be the greatest trumpet player with only a few hours of practice a week. Why is it that we expect to be able to act just like Jesus in His...
Joel Singleton
Family Discipleship Blueprint: A Year-by-Year Guide to Family Discipleship
As helpful as church programming can be, Christian parents are waking up to the role God has given them to disciple their children. Families are realizing more than ever that they need more than a few ideas to succeed in…
Joel Singleton
4 Tracks in American Christianity: A Tool for Cutting Through the Smoke and Heat
Christianity in America seems more confusing than ever. Imagine American Christianity as a vehicle that seems to be breaking down on a long road trip. The check engine light is illuminated. The engine is sputtering. The flashers are engaged. The vehicle is pulled to the side of the road. Then, when concerned Christians pop and...
Joel Singleton
4 Ways to Live the Christmas God Intended
One of my favorite Christmas movies is Elf. In the movie, the female lead character, Jovie, is less than excited about Christmas. One time, while decorating a Christmas tree, she explains, “I’m just trying to get through the holidays.” For years I have watched that portion of the movie and thought I understand how she...
Joel Singleton
Book Review: The Man Called Messiah, by Corey Stumne
Have you ever wanted to hit the brakes on a moment, letting it slowly unfold to savor every precious detail? We long for this ability in life’s small moments like vacation, date night, laughter with our children, and a meal between friends. We even go to great lengths to freeze time for weddings and life’s...
Joel Singleton
Will God Move for You?
I call people on the phone. I’m 36, and most of my friends prefer to text, but I like to hear the inflection in someone’s voice. I was driving back from lunch a few months ago when I suddenly thought out of the blue that I needed to call a specific person. I called, and...
Joel Singleton
How Do I Discern God’s Voice from the Rest?
How do we know when God is speaking? How do we know it is Him and not some misguided internal voice of our own making? When we make big decisions, how can we know we are making the right choices? When I was in high school, I played the trumpet in the jazz band. I...
Joel Singleton
What Were the Scariest Words of Jesus?
Usually, “crazy one” doesn’t carry a positive connotation. It may remind of us a crazy cross-eyed uncle who lived in a van down by the river. But when Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he launched an advertisement which began, “Here’s to the crazy ones.” In the ad, Jobs praises “the crazy ones, the...
Joel Singleton
Baptism is Beautiful
Baptism is probably the most beautiful thing we will witness this side of heaven. I’ve been in the church for a long time, and I’ve heard a lot of sermons on baptism. Most of them go something like this: “The Bible says you should get baptized, so get baptized.” This is true, and we need...
Joel Singleton
Could the Way You Approach Change Be Short-Changing Your Results?
Several years ago I bought a guitar. It was a relatively cheap $250 guitar. I called a friend of mine and blurted out excitedly, “I bought a guitar! I want to learn how to play guitar!” There was an awkward silence after my declaration of elation. “No… No, you don’t,” he replied, sounding so...
Joel Singleton