Resources by Debbra Stephens:
Debbra Stephens
Transplanted in the South from her home state of Michigan, this suburban mom-of-two loves her Lord Jesus and His wonderful Word. A dedicated student of the Word, she loves to share what she learns in the classroom, at events, and on the page—dependent upon the ever-faithful Holy Spirit to turn thoughts to text.
Debbra has authored four Bible studies, all published by 21st Century Christian Publishers in Nashville, Tennessee. She launched the series Advent Living Books for her seasonal daily devotionals in 2018. Debbra blogs at her website and has been published in Christian Woman Magazine.
A Journey to Contentment
You don’t just arrive at a destination. You have to navigate the course and journey there. Sometimes it requires physical exertion. At other times, it may require more thought. But journeys that redirect and transform the heart always require more prayer. And a good teacher. Good teachers aren’t just found in a classroom. They can...
Debbra Stephens
5 Reasons for Joy at Christmas
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.” (Is. 61:10)...
Debbra Stephens
The Christmas Bride & Bridegroom
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” (Ps. 107:1) Tis the season . . . for romance. Or so it seems—gauged by what’s streaming, anyway. Holiday movies have dropped—and the Christmas catalog is seasoned with romance. I’m beginning to think that a Christmas wedding is second...
Debbra Stephens
Meeting Uncertain Times by Trusting God and Facing Reality
There is a lot of speculation about the survival of the church, coming from both internal and external sources. People talk. And hypothesize. While others lament (and rightly so). The numbers are troubling. The Gallup Poll reported a decline in American church memberships from 70% in 1999 to that of 47% in 2020. Gallup editor Jeffrey...
Debbra Stephens
Getting Realistic about the Weight of Temptation
Since the dawn of time, humans have underestimated a great many things. And will we continue to underestimate, I suspect, until time has reached its demise. The one underestimation that I think is most grievous is when we underestimate temptation. This human vulnerability is hardly given the consideration it’s due. Maybe, in part, because of...
Debbra Stephens
Trusting God When Church Life Changes
When church life changes because of situations out of our control, how can we use the season as an opportunity to pursue God? Our church was regaining her rhythm, as attendance and participation was on the increase. I was back teaching in the classroom on Sundays and leading a discipleship group. Then, we turned the...
Debbra Stephens
What the Exile Can Teach Us about Returning to Church
Greater than the return of the hobbits to the Shire, greater than Dorothy waking in Kansas, even greater than Nemo’s return to the reef is the return of the disciple to an in-person worship service. That return feels like a great deliverance from exile. I arrived at our outdoor service on Easter Sunday, before the sun...
Debbra Stephens
3 Spiritual Boundary Stones to Leave in Place
Boundary stones were a serious business to the ancients. And to God. They were used as property markers to define ownership. Once a boundary stone was set, it was not meant to be moved. Not without a fight, anyway. But is there a spiritual application for us today? Are there “boundary stones” the Lord has...
Debbra Stephens
Walking: More than Exercise for the Disciple of Jesus
I can’t remember a time when there was more foot traffic through my neighborhood and the adjacent walkways. It began with the first shutdown when the pandemic struck. People, quarantined at home and wanting a change of scenery, some fresh air, and exercise, started walking. Some walked a couple times a week. Some, daily. Others...
Debbra Stephens
Celebrating Christmas in an Assisted Living Facility
*Editor’s Note: Debbra has worked for a dozen years as office manager at an assisted living facility. Here, she shares the unique challenges and surprising resilience she has seen among the assisted living facility residents as they face Christmas during a pandemic. It will be a Christmas like no other for those living in long-term...
Debbra Stephens
Caution Fatigued, Yet?
*Editor’s Note: If anyone knows “caution fatigue” during a pandemic, it would be workers at places such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Debbra has worked for a dozen years as office manager at an assisted living facility. You will find her perspective on the times helpful and hard-earned. There are lots of reasons...
Debbra Stephens
Are You Feeling Alone?
Living alone has its ups and its downs. And the downs fell hard last week. With the whole sheltering-in-place in isolation, plus being separated from my kids and church family, I felt distant and untethered. As I sat eating yet another meal . . . alone, I could feel myself sinking deep into shadows. But...
Debbra Stephens
5 Sources of Endurance
Across every app, I see people counting quarantine days. We’ve been at it a while. So, it seems a good word on endurance would be welcome right about now. Endurance is the ability to withstand difficulties. Endurance can be defined as the “continuing commitment in the face of difficulty” (Baker Evangelical Dictionary). Boy oh boy,...
Debbra Stephens
Endurance: It Is in Us
There was once a musical called Stop the World I Want To Get Off. I’ve never watched it. But I’ve got to be honest with you, folks. That desire has beat in my heart more than once this past week. We are surrounded by distress on every side, aren’t we? But we Jesus-following warriors have...
Debbra Stephens