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Family Discipleship Blueprint: A Year-by-Year Guide to Family Discipleship

Photo of Joel SingletonJoel Singleton | Bio

Joel Singleton

Joel Singleton is the Lead Minister of the San Jose Church of Christ in Jacksonville FL. Joel is married to Alison and they have two children, Truitt and Quinn. Joel has served in full time ministry for the last 14 years and in that time he has written several resources devoted to disciple making and family. His desire first and foremost is for Christians to relearn how to make disciples in the home and in the church.
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As helpful as church programming can be, Christian parents are waking up to the role God has given them to disciple their children. Families are realizing more than ever that they need more than a few ideas to succeed in imparting faith to this generation.

We need a plan.

So, what is the “Family Discipleship Blueprint”? In construction, a blueprint is a carefully drawn-out plan for a builder to follow. A builder then will study the overall plan and build according to the plan. For the majority of the project, the blueprint is followed; however, when needed, the builder makes changes in order for the house to fit its unique lot and better fit its owners.

In the “Family Discipleship Blueprint,” we want to give you a practical, but flexible blueprint to help faith grow in your family. This eBook will give you a clear year-by-year, step-by-step plan for you to pass down faith to your children, while allowing for flexibility to accommodate your family’s needs and rhythms.

What faith practices are most helpful when kids are in 1st-3rd grade? What about 11-12th grade? When should they learn about prayer and other spiritual disciplines? What’s a good year to talk about dating and boundaries? The “Family Discipleship Blueprint” walks parents through the exciting, challenging, and rewarding path of family discipleship.