Image for The Power of Jesus

The Power of Jesus

Photo of Mark E. MooreMark E. Moore | Bio

Mark E. Moore

Mark joined the staff at Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV) in Peoria, Arizona in July 2012 as a teaching pastor. CCV currently has nine locations and 33,000 in weekly attendance. Prior to joining the CCV team, Mark was a Professor at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri (1990-2012). Currently, he is an online professor for Ozark, an Adjunct Professor at Hope International University in Fullerton, California and Haus Edelweiss, Vienna, Austria. Mark is also the author and co-author of many books mostly on the Life of Christ, book of Acts, and Revelation.

Normally when we think of Jesus’ power, we automatically think about his miracles. That’s really not a bad place to start; after all, he did some pretty impressive stuff! However, this will need a bit of clarification. Miracles are not told merely to impress people with Jesus’ uncanny power. Rather, they proclaim the kingdom. They do this in a couple of ways.

First, many of Jesus’ miracles are direct forays into satanic territory.

When Jesus exorcised demons or “restored Eden” through healing, he was confronting the Devil face to face. These encounters are not merely intended to elicit from us a “Wow!” but also a “Woe!!!” In this way, they announce the arrival of God’s kingdom—his very real rule—on this earth.

Secondly, they also look forward to the ultimate eschatological work of the cross.

In other words, they portray what life will look like when the redemptive work of Calvary is fully realized at Christ’s return. Then we will have complete physical healing, release from demonic bondage, resurrection from the dead, and freedom from physical limitations.

In addition, we should probably expand our view of the power of Christ from a mere wonder-worker to a prophetic figure.

Sure he had power over animate and inanimate forces. But he also had the power of moral authority in his preaching. His words rocked worlds by transforming ethics, social values, and personalities. He was incomparable in his verbal power.

Because of this, he also held sway over the crowds. Because of that, he was a very real threat to the established hierarchy both in the local synagogue and in the capital city of Jerusalem. Now let’s not say such a silly thing as, “Well, they were jealous of him.” While that is true, it underestimates the actual danger Jesus presented to the security of the nation. Remember, Palestine was occupied by Romans who took a dim view of social unrest. When Jesus gathered a crowd (which was hardly an uncommon occurrence for Jesus), the civil authorities, both Jewish and Roman, took notice.

Finally, Jesus had the incomparable power of unity with his Father.

More than that, Yahweh and delegated the Logos to be his envoy on earth for thirty-three years. Jesus made striking claims to authority with God. He said he spoke only what God had told him to say; he claimed to do the very work of God and accepted the privileges and responsibility of divinity; he claimed to know and carry out the will of God. None of this can be taken lightly. In fact, it was for these claims that Jesus died.

For more of Mark Moore’s teachings, visit Used with permission.